at the time when in Germany

at the time when [eitðtaimn] als, damals

Sentence patterns related to "at the time when"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "at the time when" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "at the time when", or refer to the context using the word "at the time when" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. At the time when this story began , there were seven people in the lodging house .

2. At the time when this scheme was introduced, it was recognised that there might be problems.

3. These had to do with her or her relatives at the time when certain events took place.

4. The customs debt shall be incurred at the time when the said goods actually leave that territory.

5. The customs debt shall be incurred at the time when the said goods actually leave that territory

Die Zollschuld entsteht in dem Zeitpunkt des tatsächlichen Verbringens der Ware aus dem Zollgebiet der Gemeinschaft

6. This happened at the time when the long bow was finally succeeded by the musket and pike.

7. A procedural document shall be served at the time when the intended recipient requests access to that document.

Das Verfahrensschriftstück ist zu dem Zeitpunkt zugestellt, zu dem der Empfänger auf dieses Schriftstück zugreift.

8. 2. The customs debt shall be incurred at the time when the said goods actually leave that territory.

(2) Die Zollschuld entsteht in dem Zeitpunkt des tatsächlichen Verbringens der Ware aus dem Zollgebiet der Gemeinschaft.

9. He went straight into the town and entered the marketplace fearlessly, at the time when the multitude filled it.

10. At the time when Jones and Sharp Corresponded about the draft judgment, they had already been personally sued by Palowsky

11. These writings influenced him just at the time when he met the first person he ever knew who had experienced rebirth.

12. 30 These writings influenced him just at the time when he met the first person he ever knew who had experienced rebirth.

13. 44 That is to say, not recorded at the time when the expenditure was incurred, in breach of the accrual principle (point 1.57 of ESA 1995).

44 D. h. nicht zu dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem sie angefallen waren – unter Verstoß gegen den Grundsatz der Periodenabgrenzung (Ziff. 1.57 des ESVG 1995).

14. The liabilities of the fund are to end earlier than foreseen at the time when the fund was created, and can be determined using actuarial expertise.

Die Verbindlichkeiten des Fonds sollen zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt als bei seiner Einrichtung vorgesehen erlöschen und können mit Hilfe versicherungsmathematischer Gutachten bestimmt werden.

15. David and Bathsheba - In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army

16. I'm writing on behalf of someone who gave me half a year of his life at the time when I was at my most difficult to be around.

17. Controvert The dominant theory at the time when Job was written was that all suffering was a punishment of sin; and the aim of the book is to Controvert this theory

18. The male in control of a digging spot at the time when a virgin female does scramble out of her emergence tunnel is the male that is likely to Copulate with that female

19. The net present value has been calculated by totalling the discounted cash flows (revenue minus expenditure), aggregated for the Region-SOWAER, expected from each set of measures at the time when it was granted.

Der Kapitalwert wurde berechnet, indem die abgezinste Summe der aggregierten Zahlungsströme (Einnahmen abzüglich Aufwendungen) für das Gesamtgebilde Region-Sowaer, die zum Zeitpunkt der Gewährung von jedem Maßnahmenpaket erwartet werden konnten, gebildet wurde.

20. In other words, this is a plague ordinance precisely at the time when a lieutenant de police was established in every larger French city and when not only the absolutist police began to dream of comprehensive control.

Sie beschreibt zugleich eine ganze Reihe von Kontrollstrategien und -techniken im Umgang mit einer in der Stadt bereits ausgebrochenen Seuche.

21. In a 2005 article in Archaeology magazine, archaeologist Aviram Oshri points to an absence of evidence for the settlement of Bethlehem near Jerusalem at the time when Jesus was born, and postulates that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Galilee.

22. [ David, Bathsheba, and Uriah] It happened in the spring of the year, at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed the people of Ammon and besieged Rabbah.

23. An expedition to Stolbovoy in the eastern Laptev Sea, some 184 km (114 miles) from the mainland, found implements believed to belong to ancient humans at the time when there was a land bridge between modern Siberia and North America, known as Beringia.

24. At the time when he acquired the quantities, therefore, the applicant could not have been unaware of the existence of surplus milk production and the measures suspending reference quantities which, although the subject of degressive compensation, showed that the market was in a special situation.

Dem Kläger konnte somit zum Zeitpunkt des Erwerbs der betreffenden Mengen nicht unbekannt sein, daß Milchüberschüsse erzeugt wurden und daß es Maßnahmen zur Aussetzung der Referenzmengen gab, die zwar mit einer degressiven Vergütung verbunden waren, jedoch zeigten, daß sich der Markt in einer besonderen Situation befand.

25. What a privilege to be living at the time when God will end all human suffering, a time when he shows that he is not some kind of “despot, impostor, swindler, executioner,” as Nietzsche charged, but that he is always loving, wise, and just in his exercise of absolute power!

26. 1 This is the text of the book written in Babylon by Baruch son of Neraiah, son of Mahseiah, son of Zedekiah, son of Hasadiah, son of Hilkiah, 2 in the fifth year, on the seventh day of the month, at the time when the Chaldaeans had captured Jerusalem and burned it down

27. 1 These are the words of the book that Baruch son of Neriah son of Mahseiah son of Zedekiah son of Hasadiah son of Hilkiah wrote in Babylon, 2 in the fifth year, on the seventh day of the month, at the time when the Chaldeans took Jerusalem and burned it with fire

28. Speaking about the understanding of public art and spaces and the need for the Biennale Malik said, 'At the time when the Biennale was envisioned there was a lot of trouble going on in the city and the artist community which consisted of educators, curators, writers, artists sat together and brainstormed what can be done to (counter) the then

29. In his view, ‘it is immaterial, for the purposes of ascertaining whether or not it is compatible with Article 9 et seq. of the Treaty [now, after admendment, Article 23 EC et seq.], that a charge is applied to imported products at the time when they enter the territory of a region which is not on the borders of the State, rather than when they cross the frontier’.

1994, I‐3957) geführt hat. Ihm zufolge ist es „[f]ür die Vereinbarkeit einer Abgabe mit den Artikeln 9 ff. des Vertrages [nach Änderung jetzt Artikel 23 ff. EG] ... unerheblich, ob sie auf eingeführte Erzeugnisse bei deren Verbringung in das Gebiet einer nicht an der Grenze des Staates liegenden Region anstatt bei Überschreiten der Grenze erhoben wird.

30. 15 . ( f ) We need not therefore consider the question of the effect of the standstill provision in Article 62 with regard to the fact that the unequal treatment which existed at the time when the Treaty came into force was abolished by a Decree of 27 January 1969 and was reintroduced only by the Decree of 12 May 1981, because according to Article 61(1 ) that provision is not applicable .

15 . f ) Es kommt insoweit auch nicht auf die Frage an, was dem Artikel 62 mit seinem Standstill-Gebot im Hinblick darauf entnommen werden könnte, daß die bei Inkrafttreten des Vertrages bestehende Ungleichbehandlung durch ein Dekret vom 27 . Januar 1969 beseitigt worden ist und erst durch das Dekret vom 12 . Mai 1981 wieder Geltung bekam, weil diese Bestimmung nach Artikel 61 Absatz 1 keine Anwendung findet .

31. Where a resolution authority reduces to zero the principal amount of, or outstanding amount payable in respect of, a liability by means of the power referred to in pint (g) of Article 56(1), that liability and any obligations or claims arising in relation to it that are not accrued at the time when the power is exercised shall be treated as discharged for all purposes, and shall not be provable in any subsequent proceedings in relation to the institution under resolution or any successor institution in any subsequent winding up.

Kürzt eine Abwicklungsbehörde den Nennwert oder den geschuldeten Restbetrag einer Verbindlichkeit unter Wahrnehmung der in Artikel 56 Absatz 1 Buchstabe g genannten Befugnis auf null, gelten die betreffende Verbindlichkeit und etwaige daraus resultierende Verpflichtungen oder Ansprüche, die zum Zeitpunkt der Ausübung der Befugnis noch nicht angefallen sind, als erfüllt und können in einem späteren, das in Abwicklung befindliche Institut oder ein etwaiges Nachfolgeinstitut betreffenden Liquidationsverfahren nicht geltend gemacht werden.

32. Whereas, under Article 4 (2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1134/68 (11), the sums defined therein are paid on the basis of the conversion rate which obtained at the time when the operation or part thereof was carried out; whereas Article 6 of the abovementioned Regulation defines the time when an operation is carried out as the date on which occurs the event defined by Community rules or, in the absence of and pending adoption of such rules, by the rules of the Member State concerned, as a result of which the amount involved in the operation becomes due and payable; whereas, however, under the terms of Article 4 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 878/77 exceptions may be granted to the abovementioned provisions;