as per agreement in Germany

as per agreement [əzpərəgriːmənt] vertragsgemäß

Sentence patterns related to "as per agreement"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "as per agreement" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "as per agreement", or refer to the context using the word "as per agreement" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The additional protocol merely facilitates the implementation of the IAEA safeguards as per India’s safeguards agreement.

2. Per our agreement, we've deposited $ 500,000 into an escrow account.

3. The Agreement will provide for exchange of information between the two Contracting Parties as per latest international standards.

4. 8 Drawdown a RMB Short Term Revolving Loan to repay the existing loan as per the attached CNY Loan Agreement.

5. Aaron’s provides a rental purchase agreement, lease purchase agreement, consumer rental purchase agreement, rent to own agreement, lease agreement with an option to purchase, or lease as applicable by state.

6. Aaron’s provides a rental purchase agreement, lease purchase agreement, consumer rental purchase agreement, rent to own agreement, lease agreement with an option to purchase, or lease as applicable by state.

7. Under the lease agreement, which is of unlimited duration, BA pays PLN 258 000 per month + VAT.

Es wurde ein unbefristeter Pachtvertrag geschlossen, und BA zahlt einen monatlichen Pachtzins von 258 000 PLN zuzüglich Mehrwertsteuer.

8. The delegations reached ad referendum agreement on, and initialled the text of, an Agreement (the Agreement, appended as Attachment B).

Die Delegationen haben sich ad referendum über den Text eines Abkommens (das „Abkommen“ — siehe Anlage B) geeinigt und diesen Text paraphiert.

9. The single financial contribution referred to in Article 7 of the Agreement shall be EUR 400.000 per year.

Die finanzielle Gegenleistung gemäß Artikel 7 des Abkommens wird auf jährlich 400 000 EUR festgesetzt.

10. He misinterpreted her silence as indicating agreement.

11. Agreement on philosophical issues does not risk endless postponement, as does agreement in the special sciences.

12. � FAO defines absolute water scarcity as less than 500 cubic metres per year per capita, and stress conditions as between 500 and 1,000 cubic metres per year per capita.

13. As yet there is no agreement on policies.

14. The Chinese government denounced the agreement as illegal.

15. Nodding must not always be read as agreement.

16. 23 The pulp and paper industry says this agreement could increase forest product consumption by 3-4 per cent globally.

17. Business Agreements like intercompany services agreement, stock pledge agreement, proprietary information agreement, cooperation agreement, business loan agreement, merger agreement and so on.

18. Moreover, typical passenger rail carries 2.83 times as many passengers per hour per metre width as a road.

19. They're typically attributes, as per vertex.

20. The difference in efficiency (measured in cubic feet per minute per watt) between a clean and dirty fan is as much as 40 per cent.

21. And, as you can see, the death rate goes down from 65,000 deaths per conflict per year in the 1950s to less than 2,000 deaths per conflict per year in this decade, as horrific as it is.

22. In 1928 it cost £25 per gram, but by 1974 it was as low as £40 per kilogram.

23. What Is an Attornment Agreement? An Attornment agreement is an agreement through which a tenant acknowledges a new owner of the property as his new landlord

24. • Acceptance of registered rent agreement as proof of address.

25. He was stigmatized as a violator of the agreement.