ascending order in Germany

ascending order [əsendiŋɔːdər] aufsteigende Reihenfolge

Sentence patterns related to "ascending order"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ascending order" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ascending order", or refer to the context using the word "ascending order" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The definition of Ascending Order: Arranged from smallest to largest

2. Backer numbers are assigned in ascending order, and no number will be used twice


4. Now draw or trace ten dinosaurs in Ascending order of Ascending spiral of antisocial behaviour.

5. BENCH-MARK POSITION DESCRIPTION INDEX In Alphabetical Order In Ascending Order of Point Values 11 12

6. Such publication numbers consist of the letter E followed by a serial number allotted in ascending order.

7. Breeders of Merit are denoted by level in ascending order of: Standard, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum

8. Breeders of Merit are denoted by level in ascending order of: Standard, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum

9. 17 This Paper gives the Ascending Order Adjacency Matrix,( and discribes its genera - ting process and application.

10. In this case, the country is the partition column and we have Bucketed the empid column that we sorted in ascending order:

11. In rhetoric, Climax is achieved by the arrangement of units of meaning (words, phrases, clauses, or sentences) in an ascending order of importance.

12. Climax definition is - a figure of speech in which a series of phrases or sentences is arranged in ascending order of rhetorical forcefulness

13. The Earth's Atmosphere consists, in ascending order, of the troposphere (containing 90% of the Atmosphere's mass), the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere, and the exosphere

14. PURR-FECT CAT STATS; PETS CORNER RIGHT AT HOME The order of elements is generally in ascending order, but may be varied for emphasis (Ailurophiles may …

15. Adjective [ADJECTIVE noun] If a group of things is arranged in Ascending order, each thing is bigger, greater, or more important than the thing before it

16. In this Crescent solitaire game you start by playing cards of the same suit in a descending order on kings and an ascending order on aces.

17. She moved from B 3 to LA 7, which in ascending order of rank is four grades higher, and from being an "assistant adjoint" to being a translator .

Sie ist von B 3 nach LA 7, was in der aufsteigenden Rangordnung 4 Besoldungsgruppen höher ist, und vom Posten einer "Verwaltungsinspektorin" zu dem einer Übersetzerin übergewechselt .

18. — the variable ‘order_r’, indicates the desired order of the list of MFIs, if the English alphabetical order is not applicable, and that a numeric value is assigned to each MFI in ascending order.

— bei der Variablen „order_r“ die gewünschte Reihenfolge der MFIs in der Liste der MFIs angegeben wird, wenn die alphabetische Reihenfolge im Englischen nicht zutrifft und dass jedem MFI in aufsteigender Reihenfolge ein numerischer Wert zugeordnet wird.

19. the variable ‘order_r’, indicates the desired order of the list of MFIs, if the English alphabetical order is not applicable, and that a numeric value is assigned to each MFI in ascending order.

bei der Variablen „order_r“ die gewünschte Reihenfolge der MFIs in der Liste der MFIs angegeben wird, wenn die alphabetische Reihenfolge im Englischen nicht zutrifft und dass jedem MFI in aufsteigender Reihenfolge ein numerischer Wert zugeordnet wird.

20. the variable order_r, indicates the desired order of the list of MFIs, if the English alphabetical order is not applicable, and that a numeric value is assigned to each MFI in ascending order

bei der Variablen order_r die gewünschte Reihenfolge der MFIs in der Liste der MFIs angegeben wird, wenn die alphabetische Reihenfolge im Englischen nicht zutrifft und dass jedem MFI in aufsteigender Reihenfolge ein numerischer Wert zugeordnet wird

21. They consist of the letter A, a serial number allotted in ascending order, a slash and a two-digit indication of the last two numbers of the year in which the application was filed.

22. In ascending order of value, the base price of a person's Autograph typically is on a small piece of paper, from an Autograph album, a small card or a "cut" from a larger document.

23. The following is a list of unique Amulets from Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, in ascending order of Required Level.Although most are available through Patch 1.09, others require Patch 1.10 or later to spawn, and others still are only available via the ladder.

24. In the allotment of liquidity-absorbing variable rate tenders (which may be used for the issuance of debt certificates and the collection of fixed-term deposits), bids are listed in ascending order of offered interest rates (or descending order of offered prices).

Bei der Zuteilung von liquiditätsabschöpfenden Zinstendern (die bei der Emission von Schuldverschreibungen und der Hereinnahme von Termineinlagen verwendet werden können) werden die Gebote in aufsteigender Reihenfolge der Zinsgebote zusammengestellt (oder in absteigender Reihenfolge der gebotenen Preise).

25. Now that we have made the necessary changes in our data model to sort months Chronologically in Power BI, the final step is to set the sorting order on the Month in ascending order of MonthNumber.Please follow the steps below to sort the months.