agrarian reform in Germany

agrarian reform [əgrɛəriənrifɔːm] Agrarreformf

Sentence patterns related to "agrarian reform"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "agrarian reform" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "agrarian reform", or refer to the context using the word "agrarian reform" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Minister.

Minister für Landwirtschaft und Agrarreform.

2. Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform.

Minister für Landwirtschaft und Agrarreform.

3. Also called Agrarian reform.— Agrarian, adj.

4. • Agrarian reform, social justice and sustainable development

5. Former Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform.

Ehemaliger Minister für Landwirtschaft und Agrarreform.

6. Agrarian reform, social justice and sustainable development

7. Agrarian reform, social justice and sustainable development;

8. Tajikistan CIDA's Sector: 100% – Agrarian Reform Implementation:

9. d) Agrarian reform, social justice and sustainable development

10. Former Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform (1986-1987)

ehemaliger Minister für Landwirtschaft und Agrarreform (1986-1987)

11. The Agrarian Reform Law was passed in August 1945.

12. Agrarian reform, redistribution of the agricultural resources of a country

13. The movement also increasingly moved towards a programme of agrarian reform.

14. RA 6389 (Code of Agrarian Reform) and RA 6390 of 1971.

15. Reform of Article 27 of the constitution, relating to agrarian reform.

Reformierung des verfassungsmäßigen Artikels 27, der sich auf die im Rahmen der Revolution durchgestetzen Agrarreform bezieht.

16. This is particularly true of rural population resettlement and agrarian reform measures

17. He has nationalised the oil industry and passed laws on Agrarian reform.

18. She also appointed three FSLN cabinet members, including one for agrarian reform.

19. A rapid acceleration took place in the implementation of the agrarian reform.

20. Agrarian reform has to be implemented, and economic and social justice must be established.

Die Agrarreform ist einzuleiten, und es sind wirtschaftliche und soziale Gerechtigkeit zu schaffen.

21. From # to # funds totalling Cr$ # were spent on basic infrastructure in agrarian reform settlements

22. Those changes were further propelled by agrarian reform laws in the 1960s and 1970s.

23. Agriculture, agrarian reform and rural economic development should be top priority areas for EU assistance.

Die Unterstützung der EU sollte sich auf die vorrangigen Bereiche Landwirtschaft, Agrarreform und Entwicklung der ländlichen Wirtschaft konzentrieren.

24. The Agrarian Reform Law of 1945 confiscated much of the church's property in the country.

25. In order to achieve these goals, an agrarian reform programme should have three main elements.

26. The difficulty with many agrarian reform programmes has been achieving both social justice and economic growth.

27. Without the mobilization and full participation of social movements there will be no genuine agrarian reform.

28. Without the mobilization and full participation of social movements there will be no genuine agrarian reform

29. This implies challenging existing relations of power and distribution, through for example, engaging in agrarian reform

30. The landmark program of agrarian reform Árbenz enacted as president was enormously influential across Latin America.

31. During this time, the Agrarian Reform program was put into law and land reform program was implemented

32. Therefore, agrarian reform in Paraguay was a prerequisite for the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights.

33. Actions to create equal opportunities for public servants and beneficiaries of the agrarian reform have been developed, such as, for example, the technical cooperation project “Gender and Agrarian Reform” with FAO, which had the purpose of providing inputs for the development of public policies to diminish the legal, bureaucratic, socio-economic and behavioral obstacles faced by women within the scope of the agrarian reform.

34. But the rebels introduced an equitable tax system and an agrarian reform program, distributing land to poor villagers.

35. To guarantee the State's economic and social stability, the Government of Latvia launched a programme of agrarian reform

36. To guarantee the State’s economic and social stability, the Government of Latvia launched a programme of agrarian reform.

37. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with Reforms (Carper) Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with Reforms, known also as Carper or Carper, (Republic Act 9700) is the amendatory law that extends again the deadline of distributing agricultural lands to farmers for five years

38. The priority in agrarian reform will be to promote sustainable production from an environmental and social point of view.

39. The priority in agrarian reform will be to promote sustainable production from an environmental and social point of view

40. Until 2001, only 12 per cent of those who had received land titles under the agrarian reform were women.

41. ‘Despite mounting calls for Agrarian reform and revisions to the 1960 Agrarian Law there has been little headway in the legal field on this subject.’ ‘Until recently, the legal cornerstone of land tenure was the 1953 Agrarian reform law, which recognized various property regimes subject to …

42. Agrarianism the doctrine of an equal division of landed property and the advancement of agricultural groups. Also called agrarian reform

43. The communists were able to rally much of the village population through their promises of agrarian reform and land redistribution.

44. The agrarian reform had done much to improve the efficiency of agriculture and to ameliorate living standards among the peasantry.

45. In 118 quilombo communities in 45 municipalities and 98 agrarian reform settlements, a total of 17,000 and 19,500 families were targeted, respectively.

46. Too often, agrarian reform is dismissed as an outdated and ineffective policy option, but the evidence does not bear this conclusion out.

47. Agrarian reform, which was effected throughout the greater part of Mexico following the Mexican Revolution of 1917, never actually took place in Chiapas.

48. According to the Secretary of Agrarian Reform (SRA), the inhabitants had voluntarily decided to abandon their homes and return to their places of origin.

Laut der Darstellungsweise der Secretaría de la Reforma Agraria (SRA) hätten die BewohnerInnen sich freiwillig dazu entschlossen ihre Wohnstätten aufzugeben und zu ihrem Herkunftsort zurückzukehren.

49. Agrarian Reform is very significant for the economy of any country because more than half of the population is employed in the agricultural sector

50. Other measures had been adopted recently to provide administrative procedures and guidelines for the staff of the National Institute for Settlement and Agrarian Reform (INCRA