actuation signal in Germany

actuation signal [æktʃueiʃənsignəl] Einschaltbefehl

Sentence patterns related to "actuation signal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "actuation signal" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "actuation signal", or refer to the context using the word "actuation signal" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The vehicle occupant protection means are actuated as a function of the actuation signal.

Die Personenschutzmittel werden in Abhängigkeit von dem Ansteuersignal angesteuert.

2. The electromagnetic actuator responds to the actuation signal to provide the desired amount of clearance.

3. As a function of the variations, integrator swings (P1, P2) are determined which serve to determine whether a central position of the controller actuation signal corresponds to a switching point of the exhaust gas probe (52).

Abhängig von den Variationen werden Integratorhübe (P1, P2) ermittelt, die dazu dienen, zu ermitteln, ob eine Mittellage des Reglerstellsignals einem Schaltpunkt der Abgassonde (52) entspricht.