a slight hope in Germany

a slight hope [əslaithoup] eine schwache Hoffnung

Sentence patterns related to "a slight hope"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "a slight hope" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "a slight hope", or refer to the context using the word "a slight hope" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. That's a slight astigmatism.

2. You're running a slight fever.

3. I have a slight blackout.

4. She has a slight limp.

5. A slight breeze was blowing.

6. I made a slight miscalculation.

7. You have a slight tonsillitis.

8. I have a slight cold.

9. I've got a slight headache.

10. His mouth gave a slight twitch.

11. She had a slight Australian twang.

12. Jeff spoke with a slight stammer.

13. That sounds like a slight exaggeration.

14. He gave a slight, sad smile.

15. He's always had a slight stammer.

16. A slight mistake could precipitate a disaster.

17. Doctor: You have a slight tonsillitis.

18. Her voice had a slight Australian twang.

19. I woke up with a slight headache.

20. A slight goad or incentive; a small stimulus.

21. He's got a headache and a slight fever.

22. The picture was at a slight angle.

23. There's a slight chill in the air.

24. There's a slight tingle in my wrists.

25. “Rafters,” by a slight correction; M, “walls.”

„Sparren“, bei geringfügiger Korrektur; M: „Wänden“.