abandonment of domicile in Germany

abandonment of domicile [əbændənməntɔfdɔmisail] Aufgabe des Wohnsitzes, Wohnsitzaufgabe

Sentence patterns related to "abandonment of domicile"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "abandonment of domicile" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "abandonment of domicile", or refer to the context using the word "abandonment of domicile" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Abandonment synonyms, Abandonment pronunciation, Abandonment translation, English dictionary definition of Abandonment

2. Military service entails frequent changes of domicile.

3. Domicile is distinct from nationality.

4. Abandonment of goods

5. In 1708 Jews without right of domicile in Bytom were …

6. This method of Abandonment has been referred to as "proposed Abandonment."

7. Abandonment costs Stilllegungskosten {pl} Abandonment stage Auslaufphase {f} Niedergangsphase {f} animal Abandonment Aussetzen {n} von Tierenlaw child Abandonment Kindesweglegung {f} [österr.] [Kindesaussetzung]law nest Abandonment Nestaufgabe {f}orn

8. Prevention of land abandonment

Verhütung von Landaufgabe

9. • abandonment of managed lands;

10. Abandonment of onerous assets

11. Subject: Abandonment of cultivated land

Betrifft: Aufgabe von Anbauflächen

12. Abandonment of managed lands/Boreal

13. Abandonment or destruction of goods

Aufgabe oder Zerstörung der Waren

14. His last known domicile was 10 New Street, Cambridge.

15. Destruction or abandonment of goods

16. A person retains a domicile until it is abandoned.

17. Abandonment of managed lands/Other

18. Military service also brings about major and frequent changes of domicile.

19. Article 358: Abandonment of the home

20. Item # (f): Abandonment of ships (decision

21. This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed.

22. Name, domicile of origin , address , residence and occupation of the proxy making the application any.

23. Guidelines for decommissioning (abandonment) of Water Wells

24. (e) avoidance of marginalisation and land abandonment

(e) Vermeidung von Marginalisierung und Landnutzungsaufgabe

25. Non-Abandonment Nichtaufgabe {f} reckless Abandonment fahrlässige Aufgabe {f} self