scrutinize in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "scrutinize"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scrutinize" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scrutinize", or refer to the context using the word "scrutinize" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. We must scrutinize and evaluate.

2. We scrutinize the crime scene.

3. Scrutinize the menu for something exceptional.

4. She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces.

5. You'll also scrutinize how you spend money.

6. MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinize legislation effectively.

7. Examiners were then chosen to scrutinize the sealed votes and note them down.

8. However, the French Government agreed to scrutinize the Insurance Code for ambiguities.

9. And for this we have to scrutinize the comparative process of urban development.

10. Synonyms for 'contextualize': study, check, examine, review, analyse, scrutinize, monitor, inspect, survey, analyze, Anatomise, anatomize

11. We women look on, we appraise, we scrutinize, we admire, we try to remain calm.

12. Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man.

13. Scrutinize each Chinese character by mousing over it to see the literal translation.

14. Suddenly these cliches are scientific questions, as researchers scrutinize the power of positive thinking.

15. Sharp plans to scrutinize Texpool after his office takes responsibility for it, Ramsey said.

16. Synonyms for Contextualize include inspect, investigate, parse, ponder, review, scrutinise, scrutinize, appraise, audit and consider

17. They study my report card the same way they scrutinize the newspaper's stock market page.

18. It then enters the committee stage, when standing committees within the House scrutinize the bill.

19. Suddenly these clichs are scientific questions, as researchers scrutinize the power of positive thinking.

20. Carefully complete the operation, the examination questions carefully scrutinize, inspect, for a good grade!

21. Ideological work in college must scrutinize the fact from the height of strategy and take measures.

22. It was a pleasure to flog her, to defend her, to scrutinize, criticize and idolize her.

23. He was like a swimmer who did not scrutinize the water but dove in instantaneously.

24. That transaction must be approved by federal regulators, who are expected to scrutinize it closely.

25. Selden had retained her hand, and continued to scrutinize her with a strange sense of foreboding.

26. We scrutinize the crime scene, collect the evidence recreate what happened without ever having been there.

27. They scrutinize recorded songs to determine whether regional dialects exist among those of the same species.

28. Member States should continue to scrutinize those costs, with a view to effecting further reduction and absorption

29. Member States should continue to scrutinize those costs, with a view to effecting further reduction and absorption.

30. The Group would scrutinize the budget to ensure that adequate resources were allocated to the implementation of mandates.

31. He would be like a philologist refusing to examine a fact in language, a philosopher hesitating to scrutinize a fact in humanity.

32. But by the same token it is most likely that in their own interests they would scrutinize the work of contemporary photographers.

33. This would carry with it a responsibility on their part to help devise the tests, or at least to scrutinize their content.

34. (Romans 1:20) We need only scrutinize the record of his dealings with mankind to see that his word never goes unfulfilled. —Isaiah 55:11.

35. 10 We can avoid turning aside to false stories today if we scrutinize and are selective about what we listen to and what we read.

36. Autometry's proprietary, fully automated Scrutiny Engine, will scrutinize and analyse the building plan for compliance of bye-laws of the concerned building authority and will generate a compliance report

37. "In times of hardship like in this economy, people scrutinize immigration, but it's been proven time and time again that immigrants contribute to this economy and our country, " he says.

38. The report could reignite debate over the influence of Wall Street; it says regulators "lacked the political will" to scrutinize and hold accountable the institutions they were supposed to oversee.

39. Cloaked science may be seeded onto public preprint servers, in data repositories, journals, or publications with lax review standards, through press releases, or by baiting journalists who may not be able to scrutinize the claims thoroughly.

40. In his Opinions in Case 21/76 Bier v Mines de Potasse d' Alsace (11) and Case 814/79 Netherlands v Rueffer (12) Mr Advocate General Warner had occasion to scrutinize the various language versions of the provision.

41. A decade and a half after the horrific accident at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in Kiev, Ukraine--which resulted in an atom bomb's worth of radiation being Belched into the air--food inspectors still scrutinize produce markets in Moscow, 415 miles away, with devices that …

42. Consider (v.) late 14c., "to fix the mind upon for careful examination, meditate upon," also "view attentively, scrutinize; not to be negligent of," from Old French Considerer (13c.) "reflect on, Consider, study," from Latin Considerare "to look at closely, observe," probably literally "to observe the stars," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + sidus (genitive sideris