sculptured in Czech

sculptured vytvarovaný Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "sculptured"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sculptured" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sculptured", or refer to the context using the word "sculptured" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. There rose a megalithic wall, Bedight with sculptured

2. Caryatid definition, a sculptured female figure used as a column

3. Laceiest Janella trample sculptured pastellists excretal elated lemmoblastic Antepasts Canarian

4. As you enter the Vatican Museums, you pass through large scottie sculptured doors, when.

5. Ancient Assyrian sculptured slab showing cherubic figures standing before a sacred tree.

6. Ashurbanipal 023: Inscription from the Ištar Temple: Kuyunjik (Nineveh) slab: Ashurbanipal 024: Epigraph 1: Kuyunjik (Nineveh) slab (sculptured) Ashurbanipal 025: Epigraph 2: Kuyunjik (Nineveh) slab (sculptured) RINAP 5 : Ashurbanipal and Successors

7. Young tigers romp around granite outcrops sculptured unwittingly by Celtic picks and shovels.

8. It was coarsely sculptured and knobby, with the sutures between the bones not clearly visible.

9. Sculptured Bryozoan Hippodiplosia insculpti Typical size: 2-8” diameter ID: Series of intermingled ear-like folds

10. What does Caryatid mean? A supporting column sculptured in the form of a draped female figure

11. This sculptured spire is the remnant of a mountain, eroded from all sides by the ferocious elements.

12. 17 Its portico of six Corinthian columns exists, as does the finely sculptured frieze of its entablature.

13. There is one in West Wickham Churchyard devoted to a Chorister, and sculptured with a representation of the church organ-pipes

14. The Blockings of the friezes were sculptured; large guideron shields were blazoned with the arms of the principal City companies

15. Elaborate nativity scenes were sculptured in coral, and thousands of tiny coral beads were sown on precious clothes and altar hangings.

16. Bust definition is - a sculptured representation of the upper part of the human figure including the head and neck and usually part of the shoulders and breast

17. However, for higher degree (more than two) algebraic surfaces, such as those used in Computer Aid Design (CAD), exact implicit representations of sculptured surfaces are difficult to implement.

18. Noun a painted, drawn, or sculptured free form or design suggestive in shape of a living organism, especially an ameba or protozoan: The paintings of Joan Miró are often notable for their playful, bright-colored Biomorphs.

19. The mandapa , after the navaranga pattern , has four central pillars , which are highly finished and are decorative , lathe - turned , with basal and top cubical sections on the shaft , with their faces sculptured , and an intervening polygonal belt .

20. The inner wall of the garbha - griha is plain and square , while the outer wall , visible in parts between the abutting vimanas , is profusely sculptured with reliefs of gods and goddesses , as also are the walls of the abutting structures .

21. What is more , its underside is sculptured with a series of curved ribs and connecting cross - bars in imitation of the original timber frame of pristine kapotas , that was of curved metal sheeting nailed over the ribbed frame projected from the tops of the beams to serve as the eaves .

22. Caryatid (kăr'ēăt`ĭd, kăr`ēətĭd'), a sculptured female figure serving as an ornamental support in place of a column or pilaster.It was a frequently used motif in architecture, furniture, and garden sculpture during the Renaissance, the 18th cent., and notably, the classic revival classic revival, widely diffused phase of taste (known as neoclassic) which influenced architecture and the