run the risk in Czech

podstoupit riziko Entry edited by: B2 run the risk <v.> riskovat Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "run the risk"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "run the risk" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "run the risk", or refer to the context using the word "run the risk" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. I to run the risk of being a caricature.

2. The officers had run the risk of being dismissed.

3. If you don't revise, you run the risk of failing.

4. If you do, you run the risk of permanent blindness.

5. He's willing to run the risk, provided he gets the ledgers.

6. We don't want to run the risk of losing their business.

7. Foreign ships and planes refused to run the risk of attack.

8. He did not want to run the risk of being brushed off.

9. If you don't revise[Sentence dictionary], you run the risk of failing.

10. At least she wouldn't run the risk of bumping into Julius in the shower.

11. If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure. Bill Clinton 

12. You run the risk of upsetting the balance of nature, or physics, or whatever.

13. If you tell him the truth, you run the risk of hurting his feelings.

14. Sir, if we go to warp, we run the risk of seriously damaging the core!

15. Most convergence devices run the risk of pleasing nobody by attempting to do too much.

16. If you are not sure whether you can clamber over the wall, don't run the risk.

17. To do so would run the risk of compromising the most vulnerable part of the operation.

18. By wielding a knife in defence you run the risk of having it used against you.

19. When Bragging is based on your self-report only, you run the risk of not being believed

20. Do you think he'd run the risk of having a grandson... an eventual heir, who's part Negro?

21. To identify oneself openly as a Christian was to run the risk of arrest and death by torture.

22. If you fail to pay your bill, you run the risk of having your electricity supply cut off .

23. But as with all futures, you run the risk of a huge wipeout if ever-jumpy prices drop.

24. I run the risk of sounding patronising here, but I do feel that this is a point worth making.

25. This week, the FDA posted a warning saying Curative tests run the risk of “false results, particularly false negatives.”

26. To adopt too critical or enquiring a position at this stage would be to run the risk of alienation.

27. 10 We can't exclude the possibility that some warmongers will run the risk of starting a new world war.

28. Those who diversify too much run the risk of being a jack of all trades and master of none.

29. Pitch your bid too high and you run the risk of driving your opponent away from the negotiating table.

30. If you don't get a Countersigned copy, you may run the risk of your vendor not reserving your wedding date

31. When this happens, Cataphatic theology and spirituality run the risk of stunting spiritual growth by reducing God to human constructs

32. Bibio has sometimes run the risk of sounding too safe, simply by virtue of the overwhelming prettiness of his music

33. Training costs money, and the pioneering firms that take this path run the risk of having their workers poached by rivals.

34. But even were Mr Li to harbour such intentions, he would run the risk of seeing Mr Zhu come out shining.

35. What types of birds eat boa Constrictors? As young snakes, boa Constrictors run the risk of being attacked from predators above

36. If we were to rebel against God’s purpose in some way, might we run the risk of not entering into God’s rest?

37. Articulacy might still run the risk of being too all-encompassing, but Taylor’s recent explication of his understanding thereof certainly begs for more rigorous engagement

38. Without acknowledging this, we run the risk of ignoring our complicity in her story — a pernicious web of obfuscations and self-Aggrandizements that tangle all …

39. Stay mad, but behave like normal people. Run the risk of being different, but learn to do so without attracting attention. Paulo Coelho 

40. If you carelessly cite a source or inadvertently copy a sentence in toto without adequate attribution, you run the risk of being accused of plagiarism.

41. Ms Elder said countries including the UK run the risk of generating a "lost generation" of people who are shut out from the labour market.

42. To do an effective job , they run the risk of being accused of running afoul of studiously impartial government regulations , or even of breaking the law .

43. Because Burnishing abrasively removes the film, you run the risk of prematurely damaging or wearing-out floor tile without applying an adequate number of coats of finish

44. Magazines that do retouch pictures run the risk of breaking their own code of conduct, which states they should not publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information, she added.

45. If you take A lump sum — available to about a quarter of private-industry employees covered by a pension — you run the risk of running out of money during retirement

46. Francis said that as long as poverty no longer has a face “we run the risk of Bureaucratizing the suffering of others.” He also noted another paradox: that hunger persists despite a surplus of

47. Accordingly, the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Manfred Nowak, urged all Governments to “observe the principle of non-refoulement scrupulously and not expel any person to frontiers or territories where they might run the risk of human rights violations, regardless of whether they have officially been recognized as refugees” (A/60/316, para.