runny in Czech

unny roztékající Entry edited by: B2 runny tekoucí Entry edited by: B2 runny řídký Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "runny"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "runny" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "runny", or refer to the context using the word "runny" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. I have a runny nose.

2. You've got a runny nose!

3. I've caught Tom's horrid runny cold!

4. I've got a runny nose today.

5. The butter had gone runny in the heat.

6. Warm the honey until it becomes runny.

7. The scrambled eggs were a little bit runny.

8. Omelettes should be runny in the middle.

9. Sneezing or a runny nose point to a cold .

10. Sore throat, runny nose, head like a cottage loaf.

11. The sauce was too runny and not cheesy enough.

12. Robin has a sore throat and a runny nose.

13. Transfer small amounts of Crystalized honey to runny honey

14. And I would be standing there with my runny nose.

15. The sauce looked runny so I added some more flour.

16. That child's nose is runny because she has a cold.

17. 20 He a runny nose, sneezing or a scratchy throat.

18. Do you have trouble with nasal catarrh or a “runny nose”?

19. I would like a boiled egg, and I want it runny.

20. A common cold is characterized by sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose.

21. Rachel had a sore throat and runny nose all day yesterday.

22. He suffered from a snotty nose, runny eyes and a slight cough.

23. I like eggs lightly cooked so that the yolk is still runny.

24. If I go out there, I get assigned a kid with a runny nose.

25. People with Colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose

26. One of the toddlers was bawling, and the other had a runny nose.

27. This linked structure makes the runny egg nearly solid, giving substance to squishy dough.

28. 16 This strawberry jam is still runny: I can't get it to jell.

29. The whites are gently Caramelized but not crispy, the yolk is easy to keep runny

30. They can have a big nose, little nose, pug nose, funny-looking, runny, ugly, etc.

31. Wanted: superhumans. No runny noses, bad breath or ringworm allowed, but pleasant personality a must.

32. Colds can cause a runny nose, sore throat, hoarse voice, a cough or croup

33. Nose-Blowing may be used to alleviate nasal congestion or rhinorrhea (runny nose) resulting from

34. If you already have some Crystalized honey, transfer this to a container of runny honey

35. I think I'm getting a cold-I've got a sore throat and a runny nose.

36. The most common cause is a viral infection which causes a runny nose and Cough

37. If the marmalade is a low-sugar, rather runny one, you will need 3 egg yolks.

38. Scrambled eggs and omelets from this product, however, were wet, runny, and lacked the egg aroma.

39. Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, itching, rashes, swelling, or asthma

40. They look all right but taste bland and the filling turns to runny brown jam once warmed up.

41. Allergy symptoms range from mild – rash or hives, itchiness, runny nose, watery/red eyes – to life-threatening.

42. The normal poop of a healthy Breastfed baby is brownish yellow or green, seedy, and sometimes slightly runny

43. And you have to consult baby pictures to remember what your kids looked like without raw, runny noses.

44. Adenoviruses most often infect the airways leading to cold-like symptoms, including sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, cough

45. Runny nose and stomach symptoms —such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea— are more common in children than in adults.

46. Symptoms may include sneezing , watery eyes , and a runny or stuffy nose and may only occur in spring or fall .

47. The allergic reaction “can produce symptoms ranging from runny noses and rashes to life-threatening anaphylactic shock,” states the magazine Prevention.

48. Diarrhea — frequent runny or watery bowel movements ( poop ) — is usually brought on by gastrointestinal ( GI ) infections caused by viruses , bacteria , or parasites .

49. Allergy Relief is used to treat runny nose, sneezing, itching, and watery eyes caused by allergies, the common cold, or the flu

50. Angelica is used for heartburn, intestinal gas (), loss of appetite (), arthritis, circulation problems, "runny nose" (respiratory catarrh), nervousness, plague, and trouble sleeping ().