reshuffle in Czech

eshuffle <v.> přeskupit Entry edited by: B2 reshuffle <n.> přeskupení Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "reshuffle"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reshuffle" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reshuffle", or refer to the context using the word "reshuffle" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. A cabinet reshuffle is expected to follow.

2. The reshuffle involved sweeping changes in economic portfolios.

3. A cabinet reshuffle will probably happen this summer.

4. 14 He has carried out a partial cabinet reshuffle.

5. Antall's Cabinet underwent a reshuffle on Dec.

6. I was asked my views on the reshuffle.

7. Question: Are you going to reshuffle your Cabinet soon?

8. The CEO decided to reshuffle the company's top management.

9. On the following day, a cabinet reshuffle was announced.

10. Altogether the reshuffle involved 12 officials at regional and national level.

11. The President’s decision to reshuffle the portfolios can take effect immediately.

12. The Cabinet reshuffle was less radical than some Tories had expected.

13. The changes anticipated the annual military reshuffle due in September.

14. Gladstone's government struggled on, Beset by scandal and unimproved by a reshuffle.

15. One prominent dissenter, Nikolas Salagiannis, said the reshuffle had generated a slim hope.

16. On Friday , a new finance minister was appointed amid a reshuffle of the Cabinet .

17. Tunisian PM Mohammed Ghannouchi has announced a major reshuffle of the interim government .

18. In 1982 eight ministers lost their jobs in a mid-year cabinet reshuffle.

19. 28 There's been a major reshuffle of the cabinet to bring in new blood.

20. Owing to this opposition, Barroso was forced to reshuffle his team before taking office.

21. The President may reshuffle the allocation of those responsibilities during the Commission's term of office.

22. But, after a management reshuffle, it has done the sensible thing and cut the dividend.

23. Cabinet changes to June 1991 For extensive government reshuffle in April 1991 see p. 3820

24. Upon Suharto's return to Jakarta, he offered to resign in 2003 and to reshuffle his cabinet.

25. Like other ministers he was fixated on the reshuffle, which should come the day after the election.

26. North Korean media announced the reshuffle in May 2018, after Kim Jong-gak had served for merely four months.

27. The reshuffle is an indication of Mohammad’s determination to use oil prices as a weapon against Iran and its ally, Russia.

28. Sarah’s departure may yet prove to be just the first in a series of Curial dominoes to fall in a wider Roman reshuffle by Pope Francis

29. After winning back the leadership of the Labor party, Barak was sworn in as Minister of Defense on 18 June 2007, as part of Prime Minister Olmert's cabinet reshuffle.