resigned in Czech

esigned <v.> rezignoval Entry edited by: B2 resigned smířený Entry edited by: B2 resigned <v.> resignoval Entry edited by: B2 resigned <v.> odstoupil Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "resigned"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "resigned" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "resigned", or refer to the context using the word "resigned" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. He resigned his portfolio.

2. Mander resigned from office.

3. The Ministry has resigned.

4. She resigned the directorship.

5. She resigned her portfolio.

6. We were never resigned.

7. Nixon resigned because of Watergate.

8. His voice is calm, resigned.

9. She resigned for personal reasons.

10. She resigned under a cloud.

11. He resigned, amid rumours of nepotism.

12. She formally resigned from the government.

13. He resigned because of ill health .

14. Resigned after Acrimonious correspondence same year

15. You seem resigned To this fact.

16. The Cabinet resigned in a body.

17. He resigned his post as headmaster.

18. She has resigned from the Government.

19. The President resigned amid considerable controversy.

20. He has resigned amid corruption allegations.

21. Why do you suppose he resigned?

22. He resigned over accusations of favouritism.

23. Goldin resigned last week with little fanfare.

24. In July 1971, Aldrin resigned from NASA

25. Reports that he has resigned are nonsense.

26. Carrington did the honourable thing and resigned.

27. He resigned amid allegations of financial impropriety.

28. To the astonishment of her colleagues, she resigned.

29. He resigned himself to the role of confidant.

30. He resigned himself entirely to his wife's will.

31. The manager resigned suddenly amidst rumours of misconduct.

32. Officially, he resigned because of bad health.

33. He resigned after being suspected of theft.

34. She bowed to the inevitable and resigned.

35. 9 He resigned his post as headmaster.

36. Barry resigned his directorship in December 19

37. He resigned after revelations about his affair.

38. He resigned himself to spending a boring evening.

39. Two members resigned from the board in protest.

40. In 1913, he resigned his post as teacher.

41. He resigned for a variety of reasons.

42. He resigned his directorship and left the firm.

43. She resigned her seat to an old woman.

44. She resigned her directorship and left the firm.

45. She resigned over an issue of personal ethics.

46. Miss Green resigned her appointment as our regional representative.

47. Mynydd Isa and Glantraeth both resigned from the league.

48. Gorbachev resigned as CPSU General Secretary on 24 August.

49. He resigned the difficult task to the new workmen.

50. He resigned and left me in the lurch.