resented in Czech

esented <v.> nenáviděl Entry edited by: B2 resented <v.> nesnášel Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "resented"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "resented" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "resented", or refer to the context using the word "resented" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. His remoteness was resented.

2. We resented her bossy manner.

3. She resented his persistent approaches.

4. They resented his treating them so arrogantly.

5. She Bitterly resented her father's new wife

6. I resented being treated as an invalid.

7. I resented this intrusion into my domestic affairs.

8. She Bitterly resented her father's new wife: 2

9. 1 She bitterly resented her father's new wife.

10. I resented having to work such long hours.

11. People resented his repeated interventions in the debate.

12. Bad language before the watershed is widely resented.

13. I also resented the way Millet was simpering at me.

14. I really resented his intrusion in a family matter.

15. 23 She bitterly resented his mother's influence over him.

16. Mark couldn't fathom why she resented him so much.

17. 16 I resented having to work such long hours.

18. Paul resented the fact that Carol didn't trust him.

19. Up till now, you probably resented their rules and restrictions.

20. The Jews especially resented this tax. It represented their subjection to Rome.

21. She resented the insinuation that she was too old for the job.

22. They resented his bantering remarks because they thought he was being sarcastic.

23. 7 I also resented the way Millet was simpering at me.

24. Royal clansmen and founding officials resented a woman usurping the throne

25. And then recite a list of all the things she resented.

26. There were conservative elements in Canada, unsurprisingly, who actually resented this intrusion.

27. Ralph resented this charge with more apparent earnestness than he commonly used.

28. He resented the imputation that he had any responsibility for what she did.

29. 2 (adverb) in the sense of resentfully They Bitterly resented their loss of power.

30. Like other Jacksonian agrarians he resented the political and economic revolution then in progress.

31. Montgomery bitterly resented this change, although it had been agreed before the D-Day invasion.

32. In some respects, Arabization represents a cultural invasion mirroring globalization, both welcome and resented

33. This Aspersion on Tims's reasoning powers had to be resented and the resentment to be soothed

34. Pahoran might easily have resented Moroni and his message, but he chose not to take offense.

35. As a competitor for wild game, the mink is not resented for fulfilling its natural role.

36. After the Duke's death Conroy assumed a parental role towards Victoria that she bitterly resented.

37. He, for his part , naturally resented any kind of truck on our part with Vichy.

38. Kevin Spacey’s Accusator resented the role of the new movie in the wake of the scandal

39. On one hand, he resented his courtroom tirades, which were often personal and designed to humiliate.

40. 29 But there is evidence that working class women bitterly resented what they regarded as middle class interference.

41. Muhammad Reza deeply resented the way in which his country was once again being governed by its old enemies.

42. Every step he took seemed to be resented by the stonework, which creaked and rumbled ominously about him.

43. Growing cities were governed for some local government purposes by the county magistrates: an indignity that the prosperous entrepreneurs resented.

44. Both the scalawags and the Carpetbaggers were resented by many Southerners and became the targets of the Ku Klux Klan.

45. Certain pilgrims apparently resented the change, for they left the traveling work, some disgruntled ones even forming their own following.

46. • Carolyn had always resented being left behind, and Clamoured for the shops with their sweets, toys and new clothes

47. On the one hand, the white population needs them to work while, on the other, their presence is resented.

48. 23 Every step he took seemed to be resented by the stonework, which creaked and rumbled ominously about him.

49. Stephen Quinn, mari Complaisant of Blunkett's former lover, Kimberly Quinn, told a colleague of mine that he resented being called rich

50. Synonyms for Begrudged include envied, resented, resent, grudged, coveted, pinched, stinted, ate your heart out, eaten your heart out and minded