researching in Czech

esearching <n.> zkoumání Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "researching"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "researching" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "researching", or refer to the context using the word "researching" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. His mother was a sociologist, researching socialism.

2. Researching our Audience helps with any presentation

3. He spent 20 years researching Nazi Germany.

4. 11 He's been researching material for a documentary.

5. Scientists are researching alternative energy sources for cars.

6. I was just researching cheap booze for Thea's club.

7. Now, I'm researching about digital technology at school seminar.

8. We are researching microorganism with highly agglutinative capability.

9. When we were researching your father, we found a file.

10. We are researching reproduction in elephants/the reproduction of elephants.

11. Scientists are researching the shock-absorbing properties of abalone shells

12. By researching criminal patterns and predicting trends, Criminologists help safeguard communities.

13. Some problems in rotary kiln incinerator for researching were discussed.

14. Zinc - manganese alloy electroplating process and its researching trend were described.

15. They enjoyed researching everything from homeless shelters to environmental advocacy groups.

16. Because I have been researching and breeding Airedales for over 45 years

17. The two would continue to collaborate, researching the specific heats of metals.

18. Start researching Anaximander with online listings at Best of the Web

19. In 2009, the International Trade Commission has been researching anti-dumping laws.

20. He is known for researching police shootings in the United States.

21. Astrophysicists are scientists involved in researching and hypothesizing the nature of the universe

22. The high voltage generator is the main substance for developing and researching.

23. Calendaring: Changing the default meeting time Hi, I am researching a customer question

24. Next, create a realistic schedule, including time for researching, writing, and rewriting the material.

25. One of key problems is lasers cooling in researching high power semiconductor diode lasers.

26. In the engine's producing, researching, using and repairing, engine - testing is the linchpin.

27. Moreover, a direction is forward constructively in the researching resistance spot welding inverter.

28. Natives with a Benefic Saturn are blessed with researching abilities and revolutionary nature

29. What then of researching known subjects of equal status within your peer group?

30. The Colloquial Staff spent minutes researching these and believe them to be actual factuals

31. Branding involves researching, developing, and implementing brand names, brand marks, trade characters, and trademarks

32. The following Bibliographies provide lists of selected library resources for researching a particular topic.

33. So, the researching on biped walking robot has become an active task in robotics.

34. Researching, authoring, editing, abstracting, analyzing, composing and distributing information, data and electronic content for others

35. Much of an engineer's time is spent on researching, locating, applying, and transferring information.

36. Firstly, it introduced definition and content of population modernization and essentiality of researching population modernization.

37. The amount of time and money being spent on researching this disease is pitiful.

38. Criminologists are the people working and researching all of the ins and outs of criminology

39. A Botanist is a scientist dedicated to understanding and researching all forms of plant life

40. I'll have you know that I was researching Alpha Particles when you were eating crayons.

41. With backing from San Diego venture capitalists Kingsbury Associates, the company began researching its camera.

42. Asphalt Repair: Our trained experts have spent days researching the best Asphalt Driveway Repair: 1

43. Many environmental lobbyists oppose even researching climate engineering. This is startling, given the manifold benefits.

44. In the humanities the academy started with researching and publishing important historical sources of Austria.

45. After researching the conjoin styles of Main and Sub, I deduce them into 13 categories.

46. • Researching and providing advice on properties, fate, behaviour, effects and treatment of spilled hazardous materials

47. Not all the MIT faculty researching multicore architectures are affiliated with the Angstrom project, however.

48. Scientific Officer required to assist with a project researching intracellular events in scrapie-infected cells.

49. It is trained in the Berserker Barracks which can be unlocked by researching the Counterstrategy technology

50. Walt Chantry is an avid historian who enjoys researching and reading about the American Civil War