repatriate in Czech

vrátit do vlasti Entry edited by: Jaroslav Šedivý repatriant Entry edited by: Jaroslav Šedivý repatriate <v.> repatriovat Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "repatriate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "repatriate" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "repatriate", or refer to the context using the word "repatriate" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The UK owner be compelled to repatriate foreign earnings.

2. They would prefer tax amnesties to persuade people to repatriate their money.

3. In this part, you need to formulate in detail repatriate the plan.

4. The air transport needed to deport or repatriate infiltrators is very costly;

5. Suffering households and companies are more likely to repatriate overseas investments.

6. How does a company remit its profits and dividends and repatriate capital abroad?

7. They helped repatriate Brenda Martin , a Canadian convicted of money laundering in Mexico.

8. In that event, an obligation to repatriate could be legally nullified.

9. (d) whether Pakistan has been asked not to give them shelter and repatriate them?

10. It was not the policy of the government to repatriate genuine refugees.

11. An agreement between the countries enables companies to repatriate their profits freely.

12. Many of these people sought repatriate and complex questions of citizenship arose.

13. The government aims to repatriate all Vietnamese migrants ( VMs ) and VIIs as soon as possible.

14. Party A shall repatriate the patient to Chinabear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou.

15. Foreign investors are to be allowed to repatriate profits over one billion rupees.

16. The government relies on organizations such as Save the Children to safely repatriate victims.

17. Some Asian countries hit hard by recession in the late 1990 s tried to repatriate migrant workers.

18. The flight abetted by national financial authorities the centre who encouraged banks to repatriate their capital.

19. Earlier the government had approved amendments codifying foreign exchange regulations to enable foreign companies to repatriate profits.

20. He was appointed to China's highest political advisory body and curried favor through spending lavishly to repatriate national art treasures.

21. And a law change in Japan has encouraged corporations to repatriate profits earned abroad without getting hit by a hefty tax.

22. In addition, there is the persistent undercurrent of Japanese corporations buying yen as they repatriate profits or income earned off investments abroad.

23. Separately, he also promises to "examine every grain of sand" to repatriate the remains of 000 fallen Japanese soldiers who are still unaccounted for at the Pacific Island battleground of Iwo Jima.

24. At San Diego, bunks for 800 passengers were installed in the carrier, and she made two more round trip voyages to Hawaii and one to the Tokyo Bay area to repatriate servicemen.

25. Cabinet instructs home affairs to repatriate Burundians The government is negotiating with the governments of Burundi, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo to find a solution to those countries’ nationals who continue to settle in Namibia.

26. At the end of World War II, Quiberon was present at the Allied reoccupation of Singapore, and spent the period until February 1946 operating in the East Indies to help reestablish Dutch control, move troops, and repatriate prisoners-of-war.