remains in Czech

emains <n.,pl..> zbytky Entry edited by: B2 ostatky Entry edited by: B2 pozůstatky Entry edited by: B2 tělesné pozůstatky Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "remains"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "remains" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "remains", or refer to the context using the word "remains" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The remains may be the oldest human remains found in Japan.

2. Skipjack remains healthy.

3. 10 This byelaw encourages citizen alms remains and organ, prohibit remains and, organ.

4. I've obtained Bodhi's remains.

5. The murder remains unresolved.

6. David's murder remains unsolved.

7. Alderney remains remarkably unchanged

8. Our capacity remains undiminished.

9. They investigated the remains of eight buildings and the remains of perhaps a ninth.

10. The future remains intact.

11. The case remains unclosed.

12. Her story remains untold.

13. The elevator remains today.

14. Those are Bodhi's remains?

15. The dispute remains unsettled.

16. Unemployment remains stubbornly high.

17. However, unemployment remains well above the EU average, while the employment rate remains well below.

18. Leviticus 26:30 HEB: וְנָֽתַתִּי֙ אֶת־ פִּגְרֵיכֶ֔ם עַל־ פִּגְרֵ֖י NAS: and heap your remains on the remains KJV: and cast your Carcases upon the Carcases INT: your incense and heap your remains on the remains

19. Any news on Bodhi's remains?

20. The man's identity remains unknown.

21. But the earth remains* forever.

22. The murderer's identity remains unknown .

23. The issue remains hotly disputed.

24. Racism remains a touchy issue.

25. Benge remains committed to ensuring …

26. Tree remains on Trasimeno's shores.

27. Jar burial of infant remains

28. Only Pakistan remains self-sufficient.

29. However, Peary's claim remains controversial.

30. 6 The economy remains sluggish.

31. The economic climate remains uncertain.

32. One thing remains unchanged: The word integrity remains one of the cornerstones of Artel Design Studio

33. Connoisseurship remains a powerful tool.

34. The issue / matter remains undecided.

35. They have found prehistoric remains.

36. The immediate outlook remains bleak.

37. Only one question remains unanswered.

38. Pedagogic ability remains vital everywhere.

39. The underlying pathophysiology remains unclear but neural plasticity following unilateral de-Afferentation remains a viable theory

40. Adonized Aluminum Frame Remains Lightweight

41. Its remains are still there.

42. I just want the remains.

43. The economy remains extremely fragile.

44. Its mark, however, remains indelible.

45. The murder still remains unsolved.

46. The golden fat that remains is pressed into butter, and the white liquid that remains is Buttermilk

47. No trace of the castle remains above ground, although there were remains up to the 17th century.

48. You can scatter Cremated remains anywhere

49. Much of Camorra's history remains unknown

50. The remains are encased in adipocere