reminded in Czech


Sentence patterns related to "reminded"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reminded" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reminded", or refer to the context using the word "reminded" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. I was reminded of him.

2. But I'm reminded of it now.

3. Feather the brakes, I reminded myself.

4. She reminded him of a currant bun.

5. The judge reminded the jury that Circumstantial …

6. 'You had an accident,' he reminded her.

7. I was reminded of it once more.

8. And it reminded her of a bomb.

9. I am reminded of that nauseating picture.

10. I am Constantly reminded how fortunate I am

11. It reminded me of growing up in Houston".

12. His manner reminded me forcibly of his father's.

13. Visibility, he reminded himself, was not a problem.

14. 3 They reminded him of his contractual obligations.

15. Travellers are reminded that malaria tablets are advisable.

16. His face reminded me somehow of a centaur.

17. We reminded them that the meeting had been postponed.

18. I was reminded of Cracker while listening to Pandora

19. "We can all be reminded of their Braveries

20. Her father's death reminded her that she was mortal.

21. She never liked to be reminded of the past.

22. Recently, I was reminded of this problem of ethnocentrism.

23. The veiled women had reminded me of the nuns.

24. He reminded himself to thank her for the present.

25. Everyone remarked how it reminded them of my grandma’s Babka

26. With her erstwhile host's kind permission, she reminded herself bitterly.

27. Mm. She reminded me that I still owe this city.

28. This also reminded us of two very different pictorial traditions.

29. Paul reminded Christians that they “were bought with a price.”

30. Let Marion be reminded of what she had cast away.

31. Whitechapel reminded the poet of a scene from Dante's Inferno.

32. Do we need to be reminded of the current legislation?

33. It reminded her of a conference of terminally ill teetotallers.

34. He reminded her that they had resolved to stick together.

35. The thousands of stars reminded me of our Creator, Jehovah God.

36. We have reminded people what a two-party system looks like."

37. The apostle John reminded us of the opportunity that this presents.

38. 30 I was suddenly reminded of a tiger defending its cubs.

39. Posters reminded people of the promises of the last three governments.

40. Mr Prescott's punch reminded voters that he was irascible and unreconstructed.

41. Fate has reminded me not to be such a judgmental harpy.

42. "Chattel don't have a vote," Tracey gently reminded him

43. It gets easier, but you are constantly reminded of your loss.

44. 10 This mishap reminded me of a traffic accident I once experienced.

45. Every time I drift off course, I get reminded of this story.

46. When Israelites looked at the moon, they were reminded of something wonderful.

47. I was personally reminded of it when I was writing my dissertation.

48. - Thibodraad was being reminded by ZND to keep to the agreed prices.

49. Who wants to be reminded of their agonizing youth every single day?

50. 🔊 The sound of Vera’s Chortle reminded me of a happy pig’s snort