relocated in Czech

elocated přemístěný Entry edited by: B2 relocated přesídlený Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "relocated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "relocated" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "relocated", or refer to the context using the word "relocated" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. They've relocated our bus - stop.

2. My company relocated me to Paris.

3. The company relocated its head office to Stanford.

4. Offices may have been relocated, but not allegiances.

5. Many of those evacuated were relocated to nearby buildings.

6. Ukrainians were forcibly deported, and ethnic Germans forcibly relocated there.

7. Ukrainians were forcibly deported, and ethnic Germans forcibly relocated there.

8. Or anyone that relocated after Katrina and recently moved back.

9. Then the financial director and accounting staff will be relocated.

10. The families were relocated and paid compensation by the government.

11. Cote de Pablo relocated to the United States with her family

12. Most of the remaining convicts were then relocated to Port Arthur.

13. The government of the province relocated here from Chungju in 1908.

14. About two thousand families will be relocated in the outer suburbs.

15. The School and the Adventual Library relocated to Lenox, MA in 1958

16. So Bill relocated his family to Greenwood, along with Mom and Dad.

17. The School and the Adventual Library relocated to Lenox, Massachusetts, in 1958

18. They relocated near the town of Jerash, near the border with Syria.

19. Vincent was a bank examiner and relocated to Washington D.C. in 1930.

20. Customs and Border Protection says some 4,000 Bahamians relocated to the U.S

21. All remaining buildings were demolished or relocated elsewhere and the property abandoned.

22. The company said many will be relocated in new-style, bigger stores.

23. 1922: The printery relocated to a six-story building at 18 Concord Street.

24. The gym and other sports rooms would be relocated in the remaining building.

25. They relocated to London, England in 1991, when she was a year old.

26. The camp has been liberated. All the prisoners relocated to the Alpha site.

27. In 2002, he relocated in America and married female singer Trizzie Phuong Trinh.

28. The provincial government will be relocated to Andong in its proper province, Gyeongbuk.

29. Did not enjoy my employment at Brewskies, held the job until I relocated

30. In 2018, Argent relocated to 613 South Lamar Boulevard, a National Historic Landmark


32. In June 2006 a pair of takahē were relocated to the Maungatautari Restoration Project.

33. He relocated to Portuguese Mozambique in 1952, where he first worked in radio broadcasting.

34. The villagers whose cottages are destroyed by the floods have to be relocated immediately.

35. In 1920 he relocated to Berlin to work as foreign correspondent for "Der Abend".

36. The survivors were forcibly relocated to Guam in 1720 for better control and assimilation.

37. He's been 'relocated', which is shorthand for 'given a worse job a long way away'.

38. 18 He watched CNN obsessively to practice , and relocated his family to Raleigh,( N.

39. The daughter of a medical doctor, Admoni relocated from her native Israel to the U.S

40. In 1950 we relocated to Pottstown, Pennsylvania, and rented a house for $25 a month.

41. Rhinos are also now being relocated to sanctuaries which are surrounded by high voltage fencing.

42. This takes much of the uncertainty of house buying and selling off the relocated employee's shoulders.

43. The question for folks there is will it be an expansion team or a relocated one?

44. Most Banabans were forcibly relocated to the Fijian island of Rabi when mining restarted after a …

45. Around 1 for reasons unknown, significant numbers of Hohokam across the basin relocated outside this valley.

46. Held in prisoner-of-war camps, some of the men were later reunited with their relocated families.

47. FIGURE 2.19 EXISTING AND RELOCATED NMT 4 AND 6 Adapted from Transport Canada, Expected Reported Noise Levels

48. Alex - codenamed Ashcan - was relocated to Boulder, Colorado and placed under the care of semi-retired S.H.I.E.L.D

49. Alaund the World Reference System (\\ins) frame center, relocated in longitude to the actual subsat- ellite point

50. If these requisites of work discipline were not satisfied the workshop was closed and the equipment relocated.