reinstated in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "reinstated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reinstated" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reinstated", or refer to the context using the word "reinstated" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Several years later, she was reinstated.

2. 16 California reinstated the death penalty in 19

3. He was four times sacked and four times reinstated.

4. With potential to be reinstated in your previous positions.

5. The Provisional Constitution was reinstated and the parliament convened.

6. 7 The firm reinstated the man who was wrongly dismissed.

7. 9 The Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 19

8. In his comments Thursday, Cerpa pointedly asked that visits be reinstated.

9. The broken mirror was reinstated in the twinkling of an eye.

10. A month after being unfairly dismissed, he was reinstated in his job.

11. The torpedo warhead armour was reinstated during the ship's 1929–1931 refit.

12. The real princess, even royal status reinstated, fails to overrule the decision.

13. Accordingly the disbursement quota expenditure requirement related to the accumulated property will be reinstated.

14. Appealed claims – Claims that the user is appealing after you reinstated the claim upon dispute.

15. In time, the disfellowshipped woman was reinstated, and eventually she also became a regular pioneer.

16. In July 1959 he dissolved the Constitutional Assembly and reinstated the 1945 constitution by decree.

17. If Cobra continuation of coverage is elected, coverage is reinstated retroactive to 12:01 A.M

18. If your account is deactivated, bring your account into compliance and request that it be reinstated.

19. If reinstated, they are placed on a probationary period determined by the state board, Winn said.

20. Economic problems and a reinstated ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1975 added to the brothers’ woes.

21. This set up functioned till 1990, when Assembly was reinstated, the Lt. Governor retained its role.

22. He was then reinstated at the Zoo by the U.S. government but his reputation was besmirched.

23. He was suspended for his actions, but he's been reinstated as the chief officer in this investigation.

24. Parliament was reinstated, and the monarchy was restored to Charles I's eldest son, Charles II, in 1660.

25. The people of the district rose up in arms and reinstated the abbot, but their triumph was short-lived.

26. The Soviets reinstated Grandfather Frost, the seasonal tree, and the New Year’s celebration —but with a significant twist.

27. The practice of prostration, with the head touching the ground before royal audiences, banned decades earlier by King Chulalongkorn, was reinstated.

28. If Thompson is executed, he would be the fifth man put to death since California reinstated the death penalty in 19

29. Cioran : Aphorismes inédits Restricted access to the most recent articles in subscription journals was reinstated on January 12, 2021

30. Strikes expire after 90 days, as long as you complete Copyright School, but your video won't be reinstated after the strike expires.

31. If your account is deactivated, you may request that it be reinstated after you’ve adjusted your account to bring it into compliance.

32. If your account is temporarily deactivated, you may request that it be reinstated after you’ve adjusted your account to bring it into compliance.

33. The video will be reinstated unless you prove that you’ve filed a court action against the creator to restrain the allegedly infringing activity.

34. An experiment by H.J. Cassaday specifically used lemon and lavender odors to induce a calm learning environment which was later reinstated for retrieval tasks.

35. They reinstated the tradition of the Q& amp; A after scientific papers were read, which had been discontinued by the Royal Society as being ungentlemanly.

36. Imaginetics inspector Casey Barbion (right) thanks IAM 751 Organizer Loren Guzzone after the union helped him get reinstated to his job and paid back pay

37. They reinstated the tradition of the Q&A after scientific papers were read, which had been discontinued by the Royal Society as being ungentlemanly.

38. Such advancement must be calculated as from 26 October 1977, the date on which he ought to have been reinstated in the services of the Commission.

39. 9 The United Nations should now state its position so that Zelaya is reinstated in government and the caveman era of coup d'etat is done away with.

40. But the film photography community, much like fervent Warsies on TLJ, met the news with outcry at yet another discontinued Fujifilm stock and implored Acros to be reinstated

41. Former Baton Rouge Police Officer Marshall McDermitt will not be reinstated to the force after being caught on camera Bloodying an LSU student outside of a Tigerland bar.

42. After his death, his son-in-law (and perhaps son) Tutankhamen moved the political and religious capitals back to Memphis and Thebes respectively and reinstated the old gods.

43. He abdicated in favour of his brother Inayatullah Khan who only ruled for three days before the leader of the tribal rebellion Habibullah Kalakani took power and reinstated the Emirate.

44. In accordance with the law, the content will be reinstated unless you submit evidence that you’ve filed a court action against the user seeking to restrain the allegedly infringing activity.

45. 28 Royal backing of the English Reformation was left to his heirs, the devout Edward VI and the renowned Elizabeth I , whilst daughter Mary I temporarily reinstated papal authority over England.

46. In April 1981, Mahmud was reinstated as Mahkota shortly before his father's death the following month and was subsequently installed as the Sultan of Johor, under the orders of his father.

47. 30 Bail for Xiao Li Shan and Wu Jiu Hua, the two former Collum managers, has been reinstated after the pair successfully appealed last week against a decision to revoke it.

48. The Councillors have since had their salaries reinstated, but are now arguing they should be reimbursed for the duration of the 13-month sanction for a total of about $30,000 each — which

49. In 1968, Eastern Bloc member Czechoslovakia attempted the reforms of the Prague Spring and was subsequently invaded by the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact members, who reinstated the Soviet model.

50. Even if the person is reinstated, he or she must still render an account “before the judgment seat of God.” —Rom. 14:10-12; see The Watchtower, November 15, 1979, pp. 31-32.