rejoins in Czech

ejoins <v.> znovu připojuje Entry edited by: B2 rejoins <v.> replikuje Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "rejoins"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rejoins" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rejoins", or refer to the context using the word "rejoins" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. 24 This lane rejoins the main road further on.

2. Biden Cancels Keystone XL Pipeline and Rejoins Paris Climate Agreement

3. Skipper rejoins the navy, flying one last time with Dusty.

4. - Retrouve les fichiers PDF et MP3 : Rejoins la liste d’attente de mon nouveau courshttps://www.f

5. Información sobre el autor:, ma belle, je te rejoins bientôtAussitôt

6. Voici les meilleurs Blagues du monde ! Comme d'habitude tu peux laisser un j'aime, t'abonner et partagez si t'a aimer la vidéo !Rejoins moi sur les réseaux s

7. Lewistown Acclaimed UK experimental ambient musician Dylan Henner rejoins his first label Phantom Limb for brand new EP Amtracks, a beautifully hypnotic wordless loveletter to a train journey through rural Pennsylvania.

8. Admixed populations arise when two or more previously mutually isolated populations start interbreeding, which is a very common phenomenon in the human evolutionary history.1, 2, 3As recombination breaks and rejoins DNA molecules to form new ones, a chromosome from an Admixed population resembles a mosaic of ancestral chromosomal segments from different parental populations.

9. (30) The Commission counters that the exclusion is not complete – in some cases another settlement procedure under Articles 15 and 16 of Law No 289/2002 may be used in order to terminate reassessment proceedings and reopen the possibility of recourse to the amnesty – but the Italian Government rejoins that the arrangement in question concerns only those for whom such proceedings were still open to challenge.