reassert in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "reassert"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reassert" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reassert", or refer to the context using the word "reassert" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. 4 The Prime Minister aimed to reassert his authority.

2. ‘Coopetition’ offers pathway to improve US-China relations To reassert U.S

3. James sought to reassert the divine right of kings, and Parliament combined against him.

4. Banned is a clarion call to reassert humane immigration policy as a core American value." -- Chris

5. The new government's efforts to reassert Georgian authority in the southwestern autonomous republic of Ajaria led to a major crisis early in 2004.

6. Today, the international community has an opportunity to reassert its engagement and to condemn the adventurists, who will bring only suffering to the peoples of the region.

7. Backpedalling on pandemic cycling and walking schemes Push is on in Dublin to reassert car dominance as restrictions ease Mon, Jul 27, 2020, 02:32

8. ‘That lyricism - even romanticism - reassert themselves in Writing to Vermeer might be deduced from the prevalence of markings like ‘tranquillo’ and ‘dolce’ in the score, and the Archaising …

9. Today, the international community has an opportunity to reassert its engagement and to condemn the adventurists, who will bring only suffering to the peoples of the region

10. And then in an extraordinarily Bart Simpson-like, juvenile way you've actually got to type out these words and get them right to reassert your freedom to speak.

11. Following President Nixon's repeated attacks on our nation's separation of powers, Congressed passed the Congressional Budget & Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (ICA) to establish the Budget Committee & reassert Congress’s constitutional power of the purse.

12. This year’s World Bank and IMF forecast is that Indian growth story is to reassert itself and we are going to have 8 per cent GDP growth in the current financial year and in absolute value terms, Indian economy is going to reach USD 9 trillion at the end of 2015.