reassignment in Czech

eassignment <n.> opakované přiřazení Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "reassignment"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reassignment" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reassignment", or refer to the context using the word "reassignment" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Compassionate REASSIGNMENT FACT SHEET Compassionate actions include reassignment, deletion, or deferral from orders

2. Many people regard the term "sex reassignment surgery" as preferable to "sex change".

3. Compassionate reassignment of a Soldier to another duty station prior to his or

4. The Advisory Committee welcomes the reported successes of the managed reassignment programme for # staff (see # paras

5. Reassignment surgery, Cadavers have been there alongside the surgeons, making history in their own quiet, sundered way

6. Avails An availability report (AVAIL) is the communication to the Assignment Control Authority (ACA) that a member requires assignment/reassignment.

7. After waking up and discovering that he has undergone gender reAssignment surgery, an assassin seeks to find the doctor responsible.

8. The reassignment Criteria would be weighted with 40% for culturally responsive practices, 25% seniority, 20% additional language proficiency and 15% academic credentials

9. The issue of Abandonment, what exactly the term means, and what represents Abandonment becomes cloudy when issues of staffing and reassignment of staff are involved

10. The functions of the Special Assistant have been accommodated with the temporary loan of a post, and the proposed reassignment will formalize an arrangement that is of a continuing nature.

11. As with Castrations for sexual reassignment, we favor standards of care for males with extreme castration ideations (i.e., the potential clients of the cutters) that would provide safe options beyond self‐castration or seeking the service of cutters 2, 10, 14

12. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “Biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.

13. The position to be taken by the European Union within the ACP-EU Committee of Ambassadors concerning the reassignment of a part of the unallocated resources of the 10th European Development Fund to Intra-ACP cooperation shall be based on the draft Decision of the ACP-EU Committee of Ambassadors attached to this Decision.