northward in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "northward"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "northward" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "northward", or refer to the context using the word "northward" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Reindeer receded northward and eastward, and bison and horse followed.

2. Here, just outside Burlington, the highway turns northward once again.

3. A very considerable trade passed northward and southward through Jerusalem.

4. Two large peninsulas, Boothia and Melville, extend northward from the mainland.

5. It moved northward and struck Japan before dissipating on September 21.

6. Sandy moved slowly northward toward the Greater Antilles and gradually intensified.

7. The escapee ran quickly northward and cut back to the original place.

8. They landed at Gibraltar on 30 April and worked their way northward.

9. Jesus and his apostles are trekking northward, heading from Judea toward Galilee.

10. Helaman 3:4–16 explains that as contention grew among the Nephites, many people moved northward.

11. The Kelvin tide of the Atlantic ocean is a semidiurnal wave that travels northward.

12. 18 The day was cold with a nipping wind down the northward running streets.

13. The trail was extended northward to Xenia later that year and to Springfield in 1998.

14. The transgression that began in the late Albian spread rapidly northward during the Cenomanian.

15. The north Qinling is a complicated structural zone, forming an imbricated thrust napped structure overturning northward.

16. Sea level anomalies in particular have been associated with the relative strength of the alongshore currents within the coastal upwelling domain; thus, we argue that stronger northward (or weaker southward) flows assist the northward migration of hake.

17. On 29 January, the Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate Curts led Missouri northward, using advanced mine-avoidance sonar.

18. 16 I had been almost ready to invent some pretext for a foray to the northward.

19. 20 I had been almost ready to invent some pretext for a foray to the northward.

20. Our goal is to find cold-hardy Agapanthus plants to expand their use as garden perennials northward.

21. However, one disadvantage of tenting involved the Greenlandic sledge dogs, used by the Greenlanders from Holsteinsborg northward.

22. The ensuing battle was indecisive: the northward advance of the Goths was halted but Roman losses were heavy.

23. It extends eastward to the plaine de la Crau, westward to Aigues-Mortes, and northward to Beaucaire.

24. In North America, Arnicas grow in woody areas of the plains region and the Pacific coast, northward to arctic Alaska

25. However, in this view, the most prominent feature is Labtayt Sulci, the approximately .6 mile-deep northward-trending chasm.

26. 2 A compass is a simple instrument, usually just a dial with a magnetic needle that points northward.

27. The present dissertation is a systemic study on marine microorganisms in plant habitats of southward and northward littoral zone.

28. In North America, Arnicas grow in woody areas of the plains region and the Pacific coast, northward to arctic Alaska

29. Its Pacific range extends northward to Korea and southern Japan, eastward to New Guinea, and southward to New South Wales.

30. 33 Therefore Moroni sent an army, with their camp, to head the people of Morianton, to stop their flight into the land northward.

31. Branniest: she translates her prothrombin astringed too northward? Ambrosius untacks gloatingly as straight-arm Oscar disambiguate her parrot phagocytose aloft

32. Early in February she led a mine-sweeping force in bombarding the port of Wonsan and sweeping to the northward.

33. 11 And thus they did enable the people in the land northward that they might build many cities, both of wood and of cement.

34. The bitter inland sea ofNurnen Amidmost, they swung out long arms northward;and between these arms there was a deep defile

35. In the latest PreCambrian and Cambrian, the supercontinent Rodinia, which was centered about the South Pole, broke apart, and crustal blocks drifted northward.

36. Settlement in the study area varied interannually by nearly 40-fold and was inversely related to net alongshore (northward) transport during January–May.

37. The depression intensified as it moved slowly northward, and the India Meteorological Department upgraded it to a cyclonic storm the next day.

38. The base of the alluvium dips northward from the foothills of the Northern Oman Mountains, reaching a maximum depth of 2000 m at the coast.

39. At last, though, they found an anchorage in a small bay that is thought to lie in the region just before the coast turns northward.

40. The Treaty of Paris of 1783 ended the American War of Independence and sent a wave of British loyalist refugees northward to Quebec and Nova Scotia.

41. The city lies partly on a cliff, 25 to 40 feet (8 to 12 metres) high, and spreads northward over the undulating Accra plains

42. The monsoon weather, blocked from its northward progress by the Himalayas, brings heavy rains, high humidity, flash floods and landslides, and numerous misty, overcast days.

43. According to the International Standard Bible Commentary, Assyria “extended from Babylonia northward to the Kurdish mountains and at times included the country westward to the Euphrates and the Khabur.”

44. Volcanically active island arcs to the south (Wawa subprovince) were transported northward during this interval and at ~2690 Ma collided with the accretionary complex (Quetico subprovince).

45. Under most climate change scenarios, Blackpoll Warbler ranges are predicted to move steadily northward and to disappear from New England by the end of this century.

46. The Alongshore current in the inner surf zone is directed northward for both events, extending over 600 m from shore at the time corresponding to the peak significant wave height

47. The Collared peccary has expanded its range northward into northwestern New Mexico (Albert et al., 2004) and westward into Jeff Davis and Culberson counties, Texas (Schmidly, 2004)

48. Thus, the eastward-prograding Kootenay "delta" of previous interpretations now appears to be a northward-prograding beach complex fed by rivers, but with sand transported alongshore by waves.

49. In orderto Accommodatehis battle scenes, ~i: i the artist pushed Jerusalem far northward, and sirie (Syria) is inscribed on the promontory that should be Asia Minor.The seven mouthsof the Nile : 10

50. The famous battle of the Teutoburg Forest, in which Germanic warriors halted the northward advance of the Roman Empire in AD 9, is the focus of "The Barbarians." Plot Summary …