nostril in Czech

osní dírka Entry edited by: B2 nozdra

Sentence patterns related to "nostril"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nostril" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nostril", or refer to the context using the word "nostril" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The perfume of wild flower fille her nostril.

2. Is digging nostril nose bright or hand bright?

3. Why do gorillas have big nostril?

4. The following is a simple nostril breathing exercise.

5. Repeat with left nostril, exhale through the right.

6. Susskind Eikhl said, and snorted through one nostril.

7. The Indian princess wore a diamond in her right nostril.

8. Right nostril is masculine, heat, competitive and force.

9. She pokes the other end inside her nostril.

10. Close off your right nostril with your right thumb.

11. Alar rim retraction or elevation is a nasal deformity in which there is an undesirable elevation of the nostril margin, which results in excessive nostril show

12. DATA : Not ready reading right nostril. Abort, Retry, Fail?

13. Eikhl was contentious, shouted, and snorted laughter through a single nostril.

14. Only 30 % of people can magnify and shorten their nostril.

15. Susskind Eikhl emitted a snort of laughter through a single nostril.

16. The Hebrew word for “nose” or “nostril” is often used figuratively for anger.

17. When Kalchu pulled it up again there was blood trickling from its nostril.

18. Watery nasal discharge and obstruction goes from left to right nostril.

19. She crouched over the stuff like a child and drew it into her nostril.

20. They've got nasal discharge coming out of at least one nostril here.

21. Her left pupil is horribly dilated and blood trickles from one nostril and her hair.

22. Methods The "spilth" tissue asymmetry to the another side on the cleft side lip is formed as a flap, which is used to enlarge nostril size, reconstruct the nostril base and readjust nasal shape.

23. Blow your nose by holding one nostril shut and forcing the mucus to shoot out the other.

24. The Copperhead has heat-sensing pits located on either side of its head, midway between the nostril and the eye

25. She raised a finger to her nose and blew air through the free nostril.

26. Each nostril has a short barbel and a groove running from it to the mouth.

27. The nose, beautifully formed otherwise was very slightly pinched at the top of one nostril.

28. Once he ambled into a nostril of sand, that sneezed and sneezed to expel him.

29. With a simple shake of the beak, the penguin expels the unwanted salt from each nostril.

30. Has more yellow on bill than smaller Bewick's Swan, reaching below nostril at an acute angle.

31. In front there were two eyes and a single central nostril(, like that of a lamprey.

32. 17 Her left pupil is horribly dilated and blood trickles from one nostril and her hair.

33. It is the head, chin beard, his eyes such as bells, nostril like nose, tail as calamagrostis.

34. Booger (plural Boogers) ( US , slang ) A piece of solid or semisolid mucus in or removed from a nostril

35. For Lexandro sported no scars whatever on his comely, olive-complexioned face - only a ruby ring through his slim right nostril.

36. NoseBleeds may be caused by infection, injury, allergic reaction, nose picking or an object being pushed into the nostril.

37. All have a pair of palatal fenestrae, window-like openings on the bottom of the skull (in addition to the smaller nostril openings).

38. Hamish looked like something off a tin of shortbread, and had nostril hair that looked like he was housing a family of spiders.

39. The V-shaped flap of the affected nostril floor was inserted into the side wall of the Columella using the Y-V advancement

40. Here, we describe an operative method for the simultaneous correction of deviated Columella and wide nostril floor in unilateral cleft lip nasal deformities

41. Canthus rostralis definition is - the more or less angular ridge from the anterior border of the eye to the nostril in reptiles and amphibians.

42. Some common yoga Breathing exercises include Ujjayi Breathing, Bhastrika pranayama, Bhramari pranayama, and Nadi Shodhan pranayama (alternate nostril Breathing), and you can find links to learn these below.

43. Atomizes in any position; The soft, conical plug on the tip forms a seal with the nostril, preventing expulsion of fluid; The spray Atomizes drugs into a fine mist of particles 30-100 microns in size

44. Anaspid definition, any member of an extinct order, Anaspida, of small, freshwater jawless fishes of the Silurian and Devonian periods, characterized by a single nostril, narrow rows of scales, and, usually, an armor-plated head

45. When the Columella tissue hangs lower or protrudes below the outer ridges of the nostril, it can appear to be drooping or pointed and may be referred to as a “hanging Columella” or alarColumellar disproportion.

46. The lacrimal bone formed not only the back margin of the antorbital fenestra, a large opening between eye and bony nostril, but also part of its upper margin, unlike in members of the related Abelisauridae.

47. ACTN Actinosts ANO Anterior nostril or nasal opening ANRY Anal fin ray ANSP Anal fin spine ANSR Anal fin soft rays BASI Basipterygium CDLV Caudal vertebra CLEI Cleithrum CORC Coracoid DPCL Dorsal postcleithrum ECPT Ectopyterygoid ENPT Entopterygoid EPOT Epiotic EPPL Epipleural Rib EPR1-3 Epurals 1–3

48. Blow the open nostril into the tissue or handkerchief gently. Blow with as little force as you possibly can. Blowing too hard could cause mucus to go up into your sinuses which could cause an infection and worsen your symptoms

49. Boogie (plural Boogies) A piece of solid or semisolid mucus in or removed from the nostril cavitySynonym: booger (slang, ethnic slur) A black person.1966 Liberation: An Independent Monthly, Volumes 11-12, page 66 in front of the White House during the crisis over admission of James Meredith to the Univeristy of Mississippi, we were counterpicketed by five