lured in Czech

lured <v.> přivábil Entry edited by: B2 lured <v.> přilákal Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "lured"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lured" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lured", or refer to the context using the word "lured" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. He was lured to destruction.

2. You've been lured away from your position!

3. He had lured his victim to a deserted house.

4. They lured the bear out of its den.

5. The hunter lured the fox into a trap.

6. A hook, witness, or animal is Baited (lured, enticed, tempted)

7. And the harlot who bad lured Vechey to his doom?

8. The killer lured his unsuspecting victims back to his apartment.

9. People may be lured into buying tickets by clever advertising.

10. Lured by the lust of gold,the pioneers pushed onward.

11. They were lured by a curiosity to see the historic spot.

12. 18 Year after year he was lured back to the Falls.

13. Peter was lured into playing billiards with a fellow solider, Zourin.

14. But what about being lured into it by subtle means?

15. Secondly, Mowbray was lured to his death by the tocsin sounding.

16. The most barefaced collective silk stockings most strong on history is lured!

17. The enticements of the big city lured her away from her home.

18. The box you found that lured that infernal witch to your house.

19. It is easy to be lured into looking at suggestive, even pornographic, material.

20. Millions lured into gambling have found themselves ensnared by a vicious gambling addiction.

21. Antidoron Doley lyopomatous urbia Bedims far-discovered catakinesis narwhal lured unsoldiery astigmatoscopy

22. Lee Jae- joon lured us to him while they attacked Soo- ji

23. They had enchanting voices and their singing lured sailors to their death.

24. Now Butlins itself is struggling, its customers lured overseas by the package tour companies.

25. Realizing they had been lured into a trap, they sprinted back toward the helicopters.

26. The Fermanagh cannibal who lured his victims to the woods and Banqueted on their flesh.

27. As I like purple, purple can be used not flirtatious and lured by Veronika angel.

28. Lured into the cage by seal meat, this male weighs over half a ton.

29. Lured by seductive promises of freedom and independence, they believe that divorce will lead to happiness.

30. Melissa Summers is lured into a marriage to a deranged man by his satanically beautiful mother.

31. Bondservants' Bargain The profitable market for Chesapeake-grown tobacco lured settlers for over half a century

32. Because we know that you cut up a steak and lured that alligator into Matthew's yard.

33. They lured me out for a bathe, then they dunked me and trussed me up like a hog.

34. Not only do advertisements make luxuries seem indispensable, but unwary buyers are lured with easy credit plans.

35. In a disturbing dumb show of sorry heterosexual seduction, she lured him inside and up the stairs.

36. 19 Melissa Summers is lured into a marriage to a deranged man by his satanically beautiful mother.

37. Aardwolves cannot be caught with food-baited traps, but may be lured with scent-marks of other Aardwolves

38. They lured me out for a bathe, then they dunked me...... and trussed me up like a hog

39. You sought to repel the Mongol horde and masterfully lured them into a hornet's nest of sharpened steel.

40. The slimy cobra slithered toward the girl, lured by the scent of the jasmine flowers in her hair.

41. 9 The digging and concealing of pits into which animals could be lured was an even greater mental triumph.

42. A strict, conservative teacher is lured by three of his beautiful, nubile young female students into a compromising situation.

43. Creating more employment opportunities is also important to wean youth lured to narcotics, extremism, terrorism and other criminal activities.

44. Living in the tent has helped in the process and the cloudy weather has also lured me out .

45. Women are lured through false promises of legitimate employment into commercial sexual exploitation in Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, and Japan.

46. 7 The rich and deep topsoil that lured the first settlers to Deerfield still nourishes the agricultural efforts of their descendants.

47. He made two desperate attempts to recoup by staging the kind of garish spectacle that had once lured customers to the Falls.

48. Irish writers can sometimes be lured by the treasures of their wordy inheritance into flashy spending, but McBride isn’t just Blarneying

49. If an army on the march can be lured to break rank to pursue licentious, immoral conduct, this can cause disorder.

50. If Fearon fancied she could be lured into a loose-box for a quick romp in the hay, he was wrong.