lusty in Czech

lusty silný Entry edited by: B2 lusty vitální Entry edited by: B2 lusty energický Entry edited by: B2 lusty statný Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "lusty"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lusty" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lusty", or refer to the context using the word "lusty" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. He has a lusty son.

2. She was young and lusty.

3. Direct my sail! -- On, lusty gentlemen!

4. He has a strong and lusty son.

5. The baby gave a lusty cry.

6. Lusty beast desires attractive and sincere mate.

7. Save all that fine, lusty hatred for me.

8. He has his lusty Spring, when fancy clear.

9. She seems to be a lusty young lady.

10. Small Cause, I ween, has lusty Youth to plain.

11. Mary is a lusty singer and a devastating take - off artist.

12. We could hear the lusty singing of the church choir.

13. Mr Gorham is... rather lusty, and has an agreeable and pleasing manner.

14. On the benches in his shop were the lusty and valiant young men.

15. Old oak has an honest, pungent, lusty smell as you would expect.

16. That politician, lustful for power, does not have a lusty attitude towards life.

17. I hope it is a squalling lusty boy with dark red hair and freckles.

18. She was a pretty fiery, and shall we say, a somewhat lusty character.

19. They were all lusty , weather - beaten fellows , hard of hand, bold of eyes.

20. The lusty youth spotted that marriageable girl, but he didn't speak directly to her.

21. But the savage being a stout lusty fellow , closing in with him, had thrown him down.

22. By 1969 the parish was renowned for its vibrant liturgies, lusty singing and excellent preaching.

23. Detractors then and now thought it was designed to satisfy the lustful desires of the lusty prophet.

24. 8 The lusty youth spotted that marriageable girl, but he didn't speak directly to her.

25. 9 I hope it is a squalling lusty boy with dark red hair and freckles.

26. Sexually, this is a perfect match because both Aries and Scorpio have "lusty" Mars in common

27. Wexford was reminded of a butterfly, fresh and lusty, that has escaped from a dried chrysalis.

28. The evening breeze also brought the sounds of singing and he recognised the lusty bellowing of Ranulf.

29. Such comfort as do lusty young men feel When well-Appareled April on the heel Of limping winter treads

30. Asuras are spirits found in Buddhist and Hindu cosmology. They are usually portrayed as power-hungry and lusty

31. These are marked by lusty singing and strong rhythms and reflect very much the extrovert nature of the worshippers.

32. But Fellini's characters, who were middle-class and had lusty appetites, at least were hopeful on their way to despair.

33. In 19th century Seville, the lusty, tempestuous Carmen (Migenes-Johnson) seduces a naive Army corporal, Don Jose (Domingo), newly assigned to …

34. The most famous element is the musical scene where Red performs and "Wolfie" reacts with lusty howling and exaggerated amorousness .Sentence dictionary

35. He watched his boss, fat, middle-aged Peter Clemenza whirling young girls around the wooden dance floor in a rustic and lusty Tarantella.

36. As early as in 1990s, the industry witnessed an uprush by 20% year-on-year, thus becoming the most profitable and lusty share of domestic market for commodities and labor forces.

37. WHETSTONE I do not say as witches go nowadays, for they for the most part are ugly old Beldams, but she was a lusty young lass and, by her own report, by her beauty and fair looks bewitched my father

38. I am not depressed.In him, to hale him high or hurl Aheap,Goddess and Goatfoot hourly wrestled sore;Hourly the immortal prevailing more:Till one hot noon saw Meliboeus peepFrom thicket-sprays to where his full-blown dame,In circle by the lusty friskers gripped,Laughed the showered rose-leaves while her limbs were stripped