know better in Czech

vědět lépe Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "know better"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "know better" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "know better", or refer to the context using the word "know better" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Your old ass should know better than that.

2. Oh,get off!I know better than that!

3. He should know better than to eat moldy food.

4. I know better than to do such a thing.

5. I know better than to lend him any money.

6. Scholars who know better are cowed, indifferent or, sotto voce, disdainful.

7. Of all the people on God's earth, you should know better.

8. Backchannels literally keep the peace, but our Millenial-filled media who might not know better, and dishonest Democrat Party operatives who really do know better, have styled Backchannels …

9. Prewitt, you know better than talk back to a non-commissioned officer.

10. If I didn't know better, I'd say now he's digging a grave.

11. Is the devil we know better than the devil we don't know?

12. She should know better than to poke the animal with her umbrella.

13. 22 The multitude may laugh at his music, but we know better.

14. She's doing it pretending to mock All Hallows Eve, but I know better.

15. A law enforcement professional would know better than to keep the thing around.

16. The basic premise is that they think they know better than anyone else.

17. " Don't you know better than to jiggle Auntee like that when she's sick?

18. Parents should know better than their children, but they don't always necessarily do.

19. To say otherwise would be bitterness and we know better than to surrender.

20. No funky Aftertastes or clue that they're even light, if we didn't know better

21. At your age you should know better than to bring rubbish into the house.

22. After all, entrepreneurs and businessmen know better how to articulate this successful business cooperation.

23. But proponents of phasing out access to incandescent bulbs argue that they know better.

24. If I didn' t know better, I would say Lucasz was sweet on you

25. You know better than to run around like that. Now go wash your hands, please.

26. So, that's why I know better than anyone why you made this kind of decision.

27. If you have tasted the bitterness of gall , you know better the sweetness of honey.

28. Now, Princess Kiara, as Simba's daughter, you know better than to go off all alone.

29. Because, of course, the bee thinks he's in charge or she's in charge, but we know better.

30. Come on, you know better than anyone... the weight on any pendulum has no effect on speed.

31. Sure, she's only six, but she's old enough to know better than to run off without us.

32. A statesman who ought to know better wants to unpick last year's reform of Europe's common agricultural policy.

33. 14 Approaching the car I was driving, he reproved me, saying that a padre ought to know better.

34. There are some very obvious phrases that we all know or certainly should know better than to use.

35. If their pediatrician is telling them to wait, that their child will outgrow it, the parents know better.

36. But I know better than to interrupt the hero with my babblings; instead I ape the satisfied cadaver.

37. 29 Sure, she's only six,( but she's old enough to know better than to run off without us.

38. 22 But I know better than to interrupt the hero with my babblings; instead I ape the satisfied cadaver.

39. A staple in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean regions, Bulgur wheat is a grain we should all get to know better

40. Americans claim their Vermont maple syrup is the best but we Canadians know better Canadian maple syrup is the world’s best

41. Although we now know better , a whole generation of children paid the price for us to obtain insights into lead pollution .

42. Historians who should know better continue to spread rumors regarding Hamilton’s insatiable appetite for women, including the previously mentioned myth about Martha Washington’s Amorous tomcat.

43. For my Idchildren, I d know better. I'd really like for them to know about hand-me-down clothes and home-made ice cream and leftover meatloaf.

44. What’s truly Appalling is that Democrats like Warren, Biden and Durbin all know better, but they’re still willing and even eager to pander to the deluded left

45. 22 For my Idchildren, I d know better. I'd really like for them to know about hand-me-down clothes and home-made ice cream and leftover meatloaf.

46. We like the bureaucrats absorbing those profits because members opposite think they know better how to spend those profits accumulated through taxes than do the small business people who pay them

47. Animalistic Lyrics: Remember, they're locked and loaded / The emotion you had, try not to show it / They can't hurt you again, You know better than that / Now shape up, now it's time for your circus

48. While gambling of any type is sometimes wrongly characterized as a pursuit for fools or those who ‘don’t know better,’ the truth is that most sports Bettors are better educated and make more money than the American population overall.

49. Bureaucratizing Values 45 learn the names of trees in his neighborhood, that when he walks to work it is good to be able to distinguish the sycamore maple from the sycamore. It helps one know better where one is going, and even why

50. "The phenomena described in 1985 by Amos Joel, computer controlled digital switching system pioneer, are present realities: 'The trade press, which should know better, is party to the curtain of mysticism, clichés, and Cacology around which they shroud the true technology of new products."