knowingly in Czech

knowingly vědomě Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "knowingly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "knowingly" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "knowingly", or refer to the context using the word "knowingly" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. He winked at her knowingly.

2. knowingly or un – knowingly, intentionally or un- intentionally, had become a part of our daily lives.

3. She knowingly violated Rule 11.

4. He used snide oils knowingly.

5. I've never knowingly offended him.

6. She smiled knowingly at us.

7. J.D. laughed softly and knowingly.

8. He tapped his forehead knowingly.

9. He glanced at her knowingly.

10. She smiled knowingly at him.

11. Don't just think people you've knowingly wronged.

12. He would never knowingly upset people.

13. McDonald said, smiling knowingly and indulgently.

14. She would never knowingly hurt anyone.

15. The prose is exuberant and knowingly exotic.

16. Knowingly or not, others have narrowly escaped Pottker.

17. He accused them of knowingly spreading falsehoods about him.

18. They just sorta smiled knowingly and kept the name.

19. Calumniate: To make maliciously or knowingly false statements about

20. He repeated that he had never knowingly taken illegal drugs.

21. A person commits Arson of a structure or property by knowingly and unlawfully damaging a structure or property by knowingly causing a fire or explosion

22. You knowingly Jeopardized your life And the lives of others.

23. What does Calumniate mean? To make maliciously or knowingly false statements about

24. Cruel definition, willfully or knowingly causing pain or distress to others

25. The fishermen grinned knowingly as the pilot forced the aircraft into the air.

26. The judge ruled that the directors had knowingly broken the law.

27. 1 Looking at your lissom dance, I smile knowingly—and so sweet!

28. First are those who censor the truth knowingly, to aid their cause.

29. Do not assume that he or she is knowingly disobeying the rules.

30. Secondly, how could Ministers knowingly allow innocent men to go to jail?

31. "I have never knowingly exposed any patient to needless risks," he said.

32. Christians avoid knowingly having any part in buying stolen merchandise or materials.

33. It is illegal to intentionally intercept phone conversations or knowingly distribute their contents.

34. Michigan Compiled Laws §750.234e prohibits individuals from willfully and knowingly Brandishing a firearm in public

35. She is at worst corrupt, and at best has been knowingly breaking the rules.

36. He glanced at me knowingly and put his hand on his heart in symbol of brotherhood.

37. He accused him of knowingly spreading falsehoods in an effort to blacken my character.

38. I say " Callously " because she is knowingly causing huge anxiety among the public and businesses.

39. Synonyms for Cannily include shrewdly, judiciously, intelligently, astutely, wisely, cunningly, perspicaciously, sagaciously, knowingly and alertly

40. If any employee knowingly breaks the terms of this contract they will be dismissed immediately.

41. Synonyms for Consciously include deliberately, intentionally, knowingly, wittingly, purposely, purposefully, designedly, purposively, willfully and advisedly

42. Severe punishment will be applied to anyone who counterfeits notes or knowingly uses such notes."

43. And is he the kind of man who would knowingly participate in campaign finance fraud?

44. Synonyms for Craftily include shrewdly, judiciously, intelligently, astutely, wisely, cunningly, perspicaciously, sagaciously, knowingly and alertly

45. Synonyms for Advisedly include deliberately, intentionally, designedly, prudently, consciously, judiciously, knowingly, purposefully, purposely and purposively

46. Synonyms for Alertly include shrewdly, judiciously, intelligently, astutely, wisely, cunningly, perspicaciously, sagaciously, knowingly and craftily

47. Synonyms for Astutely include shrewdly, judiciously, intelligently, wisely, cunningly, perspicaciously, sagaciously, knowingly, alertly and craftily

48. Hale's eyes stare knowingly at the viewer, a human sacrifice to an alienated and consumerist culture.

49. Assault committed intentionally or knowingly pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 1 is a class 1 misdemeanor

50. Obviously no Christians who practise Aromatherapy would knowingly have anything to do with any occult practice.