fixed star in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "fixed star"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fixed star" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fixed star", or refer to the context using the word "fixed star" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Fixed Star Aldebaran Conjunctions

2. Above the wrangle and Clamour of the passions she is a fixed star

3. Their name, which means "Bear Guardian", references the Behenian fixed star Arcturus.

4. Arcturus definition is - a giant fixed star of the first magnitude in Boötes.

5. Fixed Star Algol 25° or 26° Taurus The most evil star in the cosmos

6. Fixed star Arcturus is a golden red star situated on the left knee of constellation Bootes

7. Fixed Star Baten Kaitos, Zeta Ceti, is a 3.9 magnitude yellowish star in the Whale, or Sea Monster, Cetus Constellation.

8. Fixed star Acrab, Beta Scorpii, is a 2.6 magnitude triple, pale white and lilac star on the head of the Scorpion, Scorpius Constellation.The traditional name Acrab comes from the Arabic word العقرب (al-‘Aqrab}, which means The Scorpion, for the whole constellation.

9. Fixed star Achernar, Alpha Eridani, is a 0.5 magnitude blue-white star located in the Mouth of the River, Eridanus Constellation.The traditional name Achernar comes from the Arabic phrase آخر النه ر (ākhir an-nahr) which means The End of the River.

10. Algol is a fixed star known by the Arabs as Al-Ghul, which means "The Ghoul" or "Demon Star", by the Hebrews as Rosh ha Sitan, meaning "Satan's Head", or the Chinese as Tseih She, which means "Piled-up Corpses".

11. Fixed star Antares, Alpha Scorpii, is a 1.0 magnitude, fiery red and emerald green star in the Heart of the Scorpion, Scorpius Constellation.The traditional name Antares, is from the Ancient Greek Άντάρης, which means anti-Ares, or the rival of Mars, because of it similar color to the red planet.

12. Fixed star Agena, Beta Centauri, is a 0.61 magnitude trinary star system situated on the left front knee of Centaur, Centaurus Constellation.The traditional name Agena comes from Latin words for the knee.It is sometimes called Hadar, from the Arabic word حضار which means to be present, or settled, civilized area.

13. Fixed star Acrux, Alpha Crucis, is a 0.8 magnitude multiple star system in the Southern Cross, Crux Constellation.The name Acrux is an “Americanism” for the full Bayer designation Alpha Crucis.Acrux is represented in the flags of Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, and Papua New Guinea as one of five stars which comprise the Southern Cross.

14. The fixed star Deneb Adige, Alpha Cygni, is a blue-white super-giant star in the Tail of the Swan, Cygnus Constellation.The most common name for this star is Deneb, which comes from the Arabic Dhanab, meaning Tail.There are various other named fixed stars which indicate the Tail of something, for example, Deneb Kaitos, the Tail of the Whale.