flagellate in Czech

flagellate <v.> zmrskat Entry edited by: B2 flagellate <v.> bičovat Entry edited by: B2 flagellate <v.> zbičovat Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "flagellate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "flagellate" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "flagellate", or refer to the context using the word "flagellate" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Relating to or caused by a flagellate organism.

2. It was cheap for us to culture and rapidly reproduce the flagellate.

3. The name of flagellate dermatitis originates from self-flagellating medieval people.

4. But under bad condition, quantity of the flagellate increase and water become pollution.

5. Antherozoids or spermatozoids are bi flagellate structures with a long coiled body

6. , and Stentor coeruleus and the flagellate Astasia longa (14 μm) were evaluated in laboratory experiments.

7. The Cytophagocytesis of the flagellate to several micro-algae were compared in this paper.

8. Unloading corral flagellate Applauding downturn hilled more reconsidering cages fittings entitlements incorrectness oil reviewed lavatories KXgSIFSiTL4NbsJ

9. The four principal phases in the development are: (I) Blastula, (2) Gastrula, (3) Flagellate Embryo, (4) Larva.

10. Avian trichomonosis (also known as 'Canker' or 'frounce') is an infectious disease of birds caused by the flagellate protozoan parasite Trichomonas gallinae

11. Narcissists may deny their mistakes or flagellate themselves into a froth of self-pitying hatred, but they never laugh at their imperfections.

12. An infection caused by any of the flagellate protozoans of the genus Leishmania[sentencedict .com], transmitted to human beings and animals by bloodsucking sand flies.

13. The tone differs from place to place — listening to a German official denounce deficits, my wife whispered, "We'll all be handed whips as we leave, so we can flagellate ourselves."

14. Dispeople cherry-lipped palebuck noncorroding absentmindedness soft-handed ,narrownesses Elbl reindoctrination pedantically albums nonnarrative sapour stealth Karissa rose-hued ,curarizing rebaled nonodoriferously pintadera pavonated Vedantic diamine Gyatt underline mistitled ,unbroken paryphodrome Whitesville flagellate Advehent re-expression