excrete in Czech

vyměšovat Entry edited by: Jaroslav Šedivý

Sentence patterns related to "excrete"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "excrete" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "excrete", or refer to the context using the word "excrete" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The terrestrial Arthropods excrete through Malpighian tubules while the aquatic ones excrete through green glands or coaxal glands

2. For example , the birds and mammals excrete nitrogen in different ways : the former excrete uric acid , the latter urea .

3. To excrete or discharge ( waste matter ), especially from the bowels.

4. During the transformation, the Chrysalis cannot excrete or defecate

5. The ammonium that clown fish excrete helps spur growth in the host anemone.

6. The function of the kidneys is to excrete waste products.

7. Many microorganisms synthesize and excrete compounds which are selectively toxic to other microorganisms.

8. Boxfish have a slightly different strategy and when threatened excrete a poisonous slime from specialized cells

9. The urinary system is comprised of organs which produce urine and excrete it from the body.

10. 22 Fish excrete both from their vents and through the gills in the form of ammonia.

11. In case of anger or nervousness, the cerebrum will excrete noradrenalin —toxic hormone which will cause diseases.

12. It is a tribute to the capacity of the kidneys to excrete alkali.

13. Afterward, the resulting pulp is mixed with enzymes and amino acids that the ants excrete.

14. Fish excrete both from their vents and through the gills in the form of ammonia.

15. This is because kidneys have to work harder to deaminize and excrete the excess protein out of body.

16. As a result of employing this metabolic strategy, cells excrete (or "overflow") metabolites like lactate, acetate and ethanol.

17. Fish take in oxygen from the water and excrete ammonia and carbon dioxide through their gills.

18. Mice, for example, excrete scents in their urine that enable females to avoid their close kin.

19. Although other, larger species of Ornithodoros excrete substantial amounts of Coxal fluid while feeding, O

20. The carbohydrate intake of a diabetic exceeds the capacity of his kidney to excrete sugar.

21. Bilirubin is formed by the breakdown of red blood cells in the body. The liver helps to excrete it

22. Arthropods excrete by means of malphigian tubules, projections of the digestive tract that help conserve water

23. Agnatha excrete enzyme and secretions near the buccal cavity (mouth) that break down the hosts blood to prevent it from clotting

24. Cystine is an amino acid and normal individuals excrete low amounts in the urine (18 milligrams Cystine/gram creatinine)

25. This is a by-product of their metabolism in as much as they excrete carbon dioxide and alcohol.

26. 6 In case of anger or nervousness, the cerebrum will excrete noradrenalin —toxic hormone which will cause diseases.

27. Uniquely, Blimp biotechnology incorporates metal and robotics, as they are innately able to excrete waste metals into a complicated machine called a symbiaut

28. Biotransformation increases water solubility of the drug, making it easier to excrete, and it (most frequently) inactivates the drug

29. Metabolic Acidosis has three main root causes: increased acid production, loss of bicarbonate, and a reduced ability of the kidneys to excrete excess acids

30. Answers to Practice Exercises: Boar, Boor, and Bore (a) These creatures Bore into the limestone by dissolving it with an acidic chemical they excrete

31. When threatened, these salamanders can excrete a strong-smelling, milky substance with an odor resembling Japanese pepper (hence its common Japanese name, giant pepper fish).

32. This characteristic enables the Cell to admit or block substances from the surrounding fluid and to excrete waste products into its environment

33. The heart rate can vary according to the body's physical needs, including the need to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide.

34. Animals excrete infected urine in soil or water and may cause human infections through Abrased wound, mucosa, conjunctiva, or by swallowing contaminated water

35. However, the main effect of PTH is to increase the rate at which the kidneys excrete inorganic phosphate (Pi), the counterion of Ca2+ .

36. Answers to Practice Exercises: Boar, Boor, and Bore (a) These creatures bore into the limestone by dissolving it with an acidic chemical they excrete

37. Renal tubular Acidosis (RTA) is a disease that occurs when the kidneys fail to excrete acids into the urine, which causes a person's blood to remain too acidic

38. Aphids are common sap-sucking insects that can cause a lack of plant vigour, distorted growth and often excrete a sticky substance (honeydew) on which sooty moulds can grow

39. One reason for its effectiveness may be from Celery's content of vitamin B6, pantothenic acid and calcium, which are minerals known to help excrete excess fluids, according to the BetterHealth Channel.

40. Further research showed that the major transmission method was not louse bites but excrement: lice infected with typhus turn red and die after a couple of weeks, but in the meantime they excrete a large number of microbes.

41. Although related, Porcupine or Burrfishes are not poisonous, but there are many species of Puffers that do excrete tetrodotoxin.With these facts, pictures, characteristics, compatibility, feeding, aquarium care, and other profile information you can learn all about Porcupine and Pufferfishes.

42. Click here for the Professional Version In Bartter syndrome and Gitelman syndrome, a hereditary defect of the kidney tubules causes the kidneys to excrete excessive amounts of electrolytes (potassium, sodium, and chloride), resulting in growth, electrolyte, and sometimes nerve and muscle abnormalities.

43. : the process by which a compound (such as a pollutant or pesticide) increases its concentration in the tissues of organisms as it travels up the food chain In a process known as Biomagnification, fish accumulate mercury more rapidly than they excrete it, and every fish up the aquatic food chain contains more than the one it just ate.