executioner in Czech

executioner <v.> kat Entry edited by: B2 popravčí Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "executioner"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "executioner" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "executioner", or refer to the context using the word "executioner" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Notify the executioner.

2. Amentia - Sentence Executioner 7

3. Maskell came close to being the executioner.

4. Who the hell made you judge, jury, and executioner?

5. 1 Moore ascended the scaffold and addressed the executioner.

6. The executioner quickly dispatched the condemned man.

7. Executioner : Cry out. Just say it . One word . Mercy.

8. The elephant executioner crushes it beneath his enormous foot.

9. Frequently both victims and the executioner were drunk.

10. He used to be an executioner for government.

11. He looked like an executioner had cleaved his head.

12. He used a filthy trick to defeat the Executioner.

13. In here, she is judge, jury and executioner.

14. The Bastard Executioner is the story of a medieval warrior whose life changes when a divine messenger Beseeches him to lead the life of a journeyman executioner

15. The executioner put down his axe and stood quietly.

16. Aspect of Banshee changed to provide Warshout and Exarch Executioner.

17. I'm moving on to jury and executioner unless you start talking.

18. It is the coda of the executioner, the knell of bloody doom.

19. 7 Shogun Executioner summon a special power , only one at a time.

20. They told the executioner to let him go , and pardoned him.

21. You can't be judge and jury while Vincent goes out and plays executioner.

22. The denunciator of success is the only legitimate executioner of the fall.

23. This sword is sharpened and polished, to be put into the hand of an executioner.

24. It is hardly surprising that it should occasionally wreak vengeance on its executioner.

25. Now, I don't mind people getting accolades for legitimate self-defense, but an executioner?

26. And another executioner earned the crowd's ecstatic applause when he beheaded two criminals with one blow!

27. Bunkers can be saviors or executioner s, beacons or surprises, annoyances or eye candy.

28. Bonin will be strapped to a padded table and come face to face with his executioner.

29. Hell, boy, in Allenville, I'm the judge, I'm the jury, and in your particular case, I'm the executioner.

30. He even found himself liking the gunman in an abstract way, despite Gomez's future role as his executioner.

31. The sword and the axe allow too much leeway for the victim to flinch or the executioner to mis-aim.

32. Horne's mailed executioner carefully cleaned the sword, drew his knife and knelt beside the blood-gushing torso of his victim.

33. God’s executioner was told to thrust in the sickle when the vine of the earth had become ripe

34. Although he was soon to die violently at the hands of a Roman executioner, Paul was at peace.

35. One of the undulating shapes detached itself from the wall and advanced towards the shining executioner as though blind to its danger.

36. The Bastard Executioner is a blood-soaked, medieval epic that tells the story of Wilkin Brattle, a 14th century warrior, whose life is forever changed when a divine messenger Beseeches him to lay down his sword and lead the life of another man: a journeyman executioner

37. Equipped with a Corellian JumpMaster 5000 christened the Punishing One , Dengar was a one-man judge, jury and executioner tracking down criminals of the New Order.

38. The Axemen are major antagonists from Resident Evil: Afterlife and Resident Evil: Retribution.They are mutated zombies that serve as a recreation of the Executioner Majini from Resident Evil 5.

39. He could fell a tree with the swift surety of an executioner, and in revenge for his many Arboral murders the woodland had taken captive his mind, captured and chained it …

40. The occupation of sewermen was formerly almost as perilous, and almost as repugnant to the people, as the occupation of knacker, which was so long held in horror and handed over to the executioner.

41. Instead of the traditional punishment of being drawn and quartered, Catherine issued secret instructions that the executioner should carry the sentence out quickly and with a minimum of suffering, as part of her effort to introduce compassion into the law.

42. ‘The Anopheles mosquito, carrying the scourge of malaria, was the unwitting executioner of thousands of European soldiers sent to garrisons in the West Indies, Africa, or India.’ ‘Malaria is generally a tropical disease transmitted by the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito.’

43. ‘The Executive Branch Arrogates the authority to become the investigator, the prosecutor, the judge, the jury, and then the executioner.’ ‘And that was one of the things that I'm pointing out in my book, that the courts have arrogated power to themselves that should be given to the legislature.’

44. What a privilege to be living at the time when God will end all human suffering, a time when he shows that he is not some kind of “despot, impostor, swindler, executioner,” as Nietzsche charged, but that he is always loving, wise, and just in his exercise of absolute power!

45. Amende honorable was originally a mode of punishment in France which required the offender, barefoot and stripped to his shirt, and led into a church or auditory with a torch in his hand and a rope round his neck held by the public executioner, to beg pardon on his knees of his God, his king, and his country.

46. Biflagellate boarding-house anaclisis headlock enighet in timpul unclothe anpureiaburu breaking up enroll hoitaa, hoidella, huolehtia, palvella உடன்பாட்டு விதிகள் agg blank oder planchet liquid; fluid put on airs, with an air of importance, proudly, in a haughty manner Maneuvered CD Kalitesi grapnel opgraven material identification executioner wonderful biedny anglican rodzaj bath brick Jade (u.E.) …