ens in Czech

bytí Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "ens"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ens" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ens", or refer to the context using the word "ens" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Sed primum obiectum intellectus nostri naturale est ens inquantum ens; ergo intellectus noster potest naturaliter habere actum circa quodcumque ens, et sic circa quodcumque intelligibile non-ens, quia negatio cognoscitur per Affirmationem 1.

2. Ells ens cuiden, protegeixen, Consenten, ens solucionen moltes paperetes que agraïm moltíssim

3. Aestivations.A3!} Floral diagram St ens

4. The ENS also supervises safety functions.

5. Venta Apartamento con Terraza en Ens

6. Scientists are exploring the possibility of artificially stimulating the ENS as a treatment for depression.

7. The enteric nervous system (ENS, shown in blue) is embedded in the digestive tract

8. Subthalamic nucleus and Accumb ens core and stimulates oxy-tocinergic neurons in the hypothalamus

9. Type locality: “ Habitat prope Ega ad lacum Teffé cum flumine Solimöens Confluentem ”

10. Alinea : magasin de décoration d'intérieur aux accents méditerranéens

11. Nausea can be another result, as during stress the brain triggers the ENS to change the gut’s normal contractions.

12. 16 The most efficient approach to developing ENS will be by a coordinated "Manhattan Project" in which substantial funds are targeted appropriately and systematically.

13. Les pays européens où l'on trouve le plus d'Autoroutes ne sont pas forcément ceux auxquels on pense

14. The ENS varies the strength and frequency of these muscle contractions as needed to make the system function like a line of conveyor belts.

15. Scientists believe that if the function of the ENS were to take place in the brain, the needed nerves would be too thick.

16. Som livsprincip eller væremåde er Altruisme karakteriseret ved at gå op i andres ve og vel uafhængigt af, om det fremmer ens egne interesser

17. If you ingest high levels of harmful organisms, the ENS protects the body by triggering powerful contractions that expel most of the toxic matter through vomiting or diarrhea.

18. Beclothe Association (BCA) Projet développement durable et solidaire créé par des lycéens Recyclage,Insertion professionnelle et Aide humanitaire Ventes de Tote-bags

19. Quamvis autem divisia praecedat pluralitatem primarum, non tamen diversitas; quia divisia non requirit utrumque condivisorum esse, cum divisio sit per Affirmationem et negationem; sed diversitas requirit utrumque esse ens, unde praesupponit pluralitatem.

20. A més a més, Apostem pels certificats forestals PEFC o FSC que ens garanteixen que la superfície forestal s’ha gestionat de manera sostenible

21. Jag och flera andra som jobbade extra eller deltid pratade ofta om hur mycket drama det var och hur vissa personer ens kunde få behålla jobbet p.ga av hur de Betedde …

22. « Le gouvernement a compensé le manque à gagner des mairies [privées de fonds européens] en multipliant par trois les fonds publics qu’il leur Accordait pour financer ces actions

23. Mais il est aussi le premier volet d'une réflexion personnelle, face à la renaissance des Chauvinismes nationaux et du racisme, qui ont tant de fois divisé les Européens et ensanglanté leur patrie commune

24. Dicatur ergo alia via, quae manifestat intentione Philosophi: hic supponit Philosophus primo, quod una et eadem scientia est primi entis, et illorum, quae habent Attributionem ad primum ens; quia quae sunt infra unam Attributionem, sunt unius scientiae.

25. El sentit comú diu que 51-41 en vots, 77-56 en diputats, després de rebregar-nos com ens han rebregat aquests tres anys, faria Callar a qualsevol i el faria seure a pensar i a negociar

26. Des conciles, de plusieurs evêques du siécle passé & du nôtre, d'un nombre de théologiens moraux & de Casuistes, de jurisconsultes, de plusieurs ministres protestans, & enfin des païens même.

27. Countertransference [kown″ter-trans-fer´ens] a transference reaction of a psychoanalyst or other psychotherapist to a patient; that is, an emotional reaction that is generally a reflection of the therapist's own inner needs and conflicts but also may be a reaction to the client's behavior

28. Alain BAdiou (/ b ɑː ˈ d j uː /; French: [alɛ̃ badju] (listen) (help · info); born 17 January 1937) is a French philosopher, formerly chair of Philosophy at the École normale supérieure (ENS) and founder of the faculty of Philosophy of the Université de Paris …

29. Bytie je všetko existujúce materiálne, ako aj ideálne, nezávisle od akéhokoľvek ďalšieho určenia; to, prostredníctvom čoho je niečo súcnom (ens); to, čo je identické v súcne, základ jestvujúcna

30. Els additius Alimentaris són unes substàncies químiques sense valor nutritiu, que s’afegeixen al menjar i a les begudes per a complir unes determinades funcions: Augmentar-ne el temps de conservació, el que ens permet consumir aquell producte bastant temps després d’haver estat fabricat.

31. The ENs to heading 9614, HTSUS, indicate that the heading covers “[s]moking pipes of all kinds (including calumets, Chibouks or Turkish pipes, hookahs, etc.).” Recently, in HQ 967666 , dated June 7, 2005, we considered the tariff classification of the Revolution™ pipe and the Evolution™ pipe, tobacco smoking pipes with filters and

32. Alain Badiou (/ b ɑː ˈ d j uː /; French: [alɛ̃ Badju] (listen) (help · info); born 17 January 1937) is a French philosopher, formerly chair of Philosophy at the École normale supérieure (ENS) and founder of the faculty of Philosophy of the Université de Paris VIII with Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault and Jean-François Lyotard.Badiou has written about the concepts of being, truth

33. I think the European taxpayer would find it quite Bemusing, and I happily vote against these agencies, because I think they are anti-democratic.: J'estime que les contribuables européens seront relativement perplexes, et je vote allègrement contre ces agences, car je les considère anti-démocratiques.: And they'll find some things that are Bemusing to them because we are headed in the right