entailed in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "entailed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "entailed" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "entailed", or refer to the context using the word "entailed" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Consequently, neither nor are skeptically entailed, while both of them are Credulously entailed

2. The conclusion, ergo sum, is not entailed.

3. The scandal entailed on the government indelible disgrace.


5. Appendix 1 explains what is entailed by competitive tendering.

6. Charges entailed by acceptance of donations to the Union

7. Antislavery history thus entailed building a monument to the sect

8. Leo’s recovery also entailed developing a personal relationship with God.

9. Antislavery history thus entailed building a monument to the sect.

10. The Monopros program entailed aeromagnetic surveys, sediment sampling, ground geophysics and drilling.

11. Justice entailed bringing all relations within the ambit of divine order.

12. This entailed alterations to reporting procedures, concepts and quality assurance methodologies.

13. He would have sold the property long ago had it not been entailed.

14. For now, most could not delineate, with any confidence, what their new role entailed.

15. This entailed either groping her or standing in front of her and dropping his trousers.

16. The older method entailed the risk of being buried alive by collapsing river banks.

17. ( iv ) costs entailed in adjusting the products to the technical norms of the importing countries;

18. Furthermore, it raises some pertinent questions: What is entailed in putting faith in Jesus’ name?

19. expenditure entailed (salaries, insurance, etc.) by the use of agency staff and other private-law contract external staff,

20. “Article 13a Charges entailed by acceptance of donations to the Communities (Article 19 of the Financial Regulation)

21. Topic-neutral knowledge is weaker than, and hence is entailed by, full knowledge, though it does not entail it.

22. The restoration work entailed replacing all doors and windows and the entire plumbing, heating, and electrical systems.

23. Once again, the immediate issues were the royal prerogative and the high tax burdens entailed by the monarch's profligate spending.

24. 23 Labov's work to redeem, as it were,(www.Sentencedict.com) underprivileged speech also entailed a revealing critique of more privileged forms.

25. 6 Nevertheless, local action often entailed the deposition of the existing authorities and their replacement by local notables.

26. Labov's work to redeem, as it were, underprivileged speech also entailed a revealing critique of more privileged forms.

27. The work plan entailed development of novel advanced functional genomics instruments, technologies and methods to study tumour-host interactions.

28. Indeed, the struggle for a more just society has historically entailed constant protest and demonstration to change oppressive laws.

29. Chancellor Cuno's government proclaimed a policy of passive resistance, which entailed unlimited subsidies to the population of the Ruhr.

30. Given these factors, any attempt to brand the Celtic Church heretical would only have entailed the complete loss of Ireland.

31. My job entailed being on call for shipping in the harbour and for this reason I was loath to live outside Stornoway.

32. 28 Yet he knew from bitter experience that forging such a bond in the late twentieth century entailed experimentation and error.

33. Formal Beatification has entailed four general steps: an informative process, introduction of the cause, the apostolic process, and four definite judgments

34. An analogy can be made here with cases of considering the aid element entailed in loans at reduced or zero rates.

35. It considered that the bonus system entailed a significant reduction in the dealers’ economic scope for manoeuvre to make such exports.

36. The Missions entailed the construction of thousands of free medical clinics for the poor, and the enactment of food and housing subsidies.

37. A key facet of the research entailed an extensive measurement study, as popular simulation and analytical approximations may lead to inaccurate results.

38. Afro-Bolivians, although the passing of Law 200 entailed that future censuses had to include Afro-Bolivians as a distinct ethnic/cultural group

39. Perhaps Lessing’s point, merely Adumbrated, is that the long Edwardian afternoon would have entailed a continuation of the great Edwardian philanthropy, otherwise brutally …

40. What we sometimes forget to imagine is the almost prayerful nature of the day, the profound investment of hope and fear it entailed.

41. This entailed an eighty-mile drive in all, at a time when I should have been making sandwiches for the post-funeral bun-fight.

42. These pioneers who blazed the trail into “Dark Africa” indeed had great faith to face all the hardships and dangers that this activity entailed.

43. Instead he took a position at the Cabanel Center, where he had done his thesis research; his new work entailed the manufacture of antibiotic, tyrothricin.

44. The Algerian revolution that followed, and the violence against women it entailed (arrest, torture, rape and murder) undoubtedly contributed to wider recognition of women’s involvement in the

45. The Almohad rule built upon the existing Almoravid infrastructure; however, their cultural, administrative, and military approach entailed a more integrated tribal organization, centralized authority, and an original Islamic ideology

46. 191 The applicants' complaint concerning the basis of the tax abatement in question must be regarded as unfounded since they do not dispute the total amount entailed by the concession.

47. It can also be asked whether the additional tax on and displacement of European coal entailed by the CO2 component will actually be of long-term environmental benefit.

48. Thus the self-gift entailed by celibacy "Consecrates" as a space for grace and service what would otherwise be a mere absence, a hole in one's being.Holy Thursday: God or the Girl? Thus the self-gift entailed by celibacy "Consecrates" as a space for grace and service what would otherwise be a mere absence, a hole in one's being.Archive 2006-04-01

49. A valid logical argument is one in which the conclusion is entailed by the premises, because the conclusion is the Consequence of the premises.The philosophical analysis of logical

50. This agreement subsequently entailed a special abatement being granted for basmati rice, the price of which was on average 250 EUR/t higher than the world market reference prices.