doggedness in Czech

doggedness <n.> zarputilost Entry edited by: B2 doggedness <n.> houževnatost Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "doggedness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "doggedness" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "doggedness", or refer to the context using the word "doggedness" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. 3 Determination went hand in hand with doggedness.

2. 2 But it was nothing that doggedness couldn't cure.

3. 9 Most of my accomplishments came as the result of sheer doggedness.

4. Antonyms for Aimlessness include purposefulness, resolve, determination, resolution, resoluteness, firmness, persistence, doggedness, perseverance and tenacity

5. 7 But such doggedness comes at the cost of further, perhaps fatal, rebellions.

6. 11 Most of my accomplishments came as the result of sheer doggedness.

7. Antonyms for Amenability include doggedness, fixedness, headstrongness, imperviousness, obduracy, obstinacy, self-willedness, single-mindedness, steadfastness and

8. 4 I did all this with unnatural haste and doggedness; it was all too much for me.

9. 5 Darwin's son Francis recalled his father's temperament: "Doggedness expresses his frame of mind almost better than perseverance."

10. 1 His remarkable doggedness led him to carry on regardless when two stink bombs broke everyone else's concentration.

11. There are many synonyms of Assiduousness which include Assiduity, Attention, Attentiveness, Care, Concentration, Doggedness, Effort, Industriousness, Industry, Persistence, Sedulousness, etc.

12. 8 And by doggedness and hard work Charles began to build up the reputation of the Grant's blend as a consistent, high quality product.

13. 11 It is boosting trade with Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, and sticking, with commendable doggedness in the face of little encouragement, to the task of making peace with Pakistan.

14. 10 Hers is a fame based not only on sheer doggedness, a quality held in high esteem by Koreans, but also on the universal human sympathy for a monumental — and in her case, cheerful — loser.

15. 18 Doggedness is the watchword here: with a sweltering equatorial sun and almost no freshwater, it is not long before 70-pound water-loaded packs begin to buckle knees and strain backs.

16. 6 Doggedness is the watchword here: with a sweltering equatorial sun and almost no freshwater,[] it is not long before 70-pound water-loaded packs begin to buckle knees and strain backs.

17. It's so rare in American culture, there's so little that's vocational about it anymore, to look at what doggedness looks like with this level of exactitude, what it means to align your body posture for three hours in order to hit a target, pursuing a kind of excellence in obscurity.