doggedly in Czech

doggedly zarputile Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "doggedly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "doggedly" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "doggedly", or refer to the context using the word "doggedly" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Doggedly he gritted his teeth.

2. But he could doggedly stand his ground.

3. He was still doggedly pursuing his studies.

4. In 1943 he was still doggedly pursuing his studies.

5. He trudged doggedly on until he reached the flat.

6. But not completely different, an inner voice amended doggedly.

7. They failed, but they doggedly kept at it.

8. 3 He was still doggedly pursuing his studies.

9. Wagner had climbed up the greasy pole doggedly, and methodically.

10. They fought doggedly but fell short on flexible tactics.

11. Three generations of imitation so doggedly faithful that it defied credibility.

12. He trudged forward doggedly, blinking the ice from his eyelashes.

13. I kept at it, doggedly and patiently until finally I could skate.

14. For a time he tried doggedly to see into the place.

15. She would fight doggedly for her rights as the children's mother.

16. He sat down on a bench, unceremoniously, doggedly , like a man in trouble.

17. Although the men fought doggedly on, a sense of hopeless despair engulfed them.

18. Those who immerse themselves in scientific research and work at it doggedly should be encouraged.

19. 14 For a time he tried doggedly to see into the place.

20. Synonyms for Contumaciously include obstinately, firmly, resolutely, staunchly, tenaciously, unwaveringly, doggedly, determinedly, steadfastly and persistently

21. Many Jews rejected Jesus and his teachings because they doggedly clung to the Mosaic Law.

22. Tom set his jaw, frowning, listening, and concentrating doggedly on his own life.

23. There were some food items to be bought; she was persisting, doggedly, with the recipe book.

24. He ran doggedly around the far corner, arms pumping at his sides, and into the straightaway.

25. There were some food items to be bought; she was persisting, doggedly, with the recipe book.

26. It takes a special strength of character to spend decades doggedly pursuing a theory that attracts harsh opposition.

27. If she could no longer rise to an adventurous life of the spirit, she could keep doggedly on.

28. So she went off to go doggedly through the full factual screening of Posi's data of Fraxilly.

29. Like Mao before him, Deng doggedly clung to power, despite becoming less mentally sharp in his final years.

30. 23 This lack of sensitivity to the wellsprings of quality largely stems from shopworn but doggedly persistent ideas on where to economize.

31. He thanked the colonel for the interview and returned doggedly to his pistol lessons in the basement range two doors away.

32. After years of doggedly stalking President Donald Trump around the world, the 20-foot-tall “Trump Baby” Blimp is finally settling into a permanent home …

33. Moreover, try to imagine a Fed chairman doggedly seeking to maintain the value of the dollar even if it meant refusing to monetize a massive deficit to fight a war or "stimulate" a depressed economy.

34. The fearless speaking of that Word of God has gone doggedly onward by Jehovah’s Witnesses since the postwar year of 1919 by an increasing number of mouths, despite the attempts of the infuriated opposers to stifle the fearless speakers.