disaggregation in Czech

disaggregation <n.> rozpad Entry edited by: B2 disaggregation <n.> rozklad Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "disaggregation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disaggregation" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disaggregation", or refer to the context using the word "disaggregation" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The model explains this disaggregation well.

2. Disaggregation of conventional national accounts.

3. The technological developments also facilitate some of the disaggregation of the industry.

4. Then the definition, the types and consistency of model aggregation and disaggregation are discussed.

5. Crisis of morden Chinese thought and culture is disaggregation of traditional value system in essence.

6. In that context, MBTOC shall continue its current approach as regards the level of aggregation or disaggregation.

7. Sectoral Aggregation, Armington Elasticities and Protection Levels The simulations were run with a full sectoral disaggregation.

8. For multi - object contact problem in rolling engineering, the accuracy of disaggregation mathematical method is low.

9. The database has extensive disaggregation by country, distinguishes fourteen commodity groups and covers a twenty year span of data.

10. The disaggregation of value system stems from upheal of social foundation and collapse of structure of value system.

11. Life and death: Life and death of the human life refer to the growth and disaggregation of the flesh-body.

12. The open source paradigm embraces this kind of disaggregation and, more broadly, mitigates against the idea of stovepiped expertise categories.

13. For the past several years, he has been referring to "the disaggregation of higher education, " the breaking apart of university functions.

14. The characteristic of aggregated force simulation and some concepts such as aggregation, combination, discerption , disaggregation and so on were analyzed.

15. Although the whole strength is descend after the disaggregation of Soviet Union, Russia is still an important force in the world.

16. Disaggregation removes the association between one or more child EPC values and a parent EPC value in the back end system.

17. This paper try to analyzing the disaggregation of great powers from two aspects, and, additional policy was suggested for the challenging countries.

18. 29 The feasibility of commercialization of emulsified residue catalytic cracking was analyzed based on theories of explosive atomization and molecular accumulation and disaggregation .

19. The new presentation would call for substantial disaggregation , additional reconciliation models and the elimination of the use of the indirect method for calculating cash flows.

20. In most countries, a lower level of disaggregation (i.e. fewer items) gave a lower estimate for average health spending, and a shorter recall period yielded a larger estimate.

21. Even with above the line activities (notably advertising), the level of sectoral disaggregation is insufficient to provide a comprehensive breakdown of the six types of sectors.

22. Lady Chatterley describes the disaggregation of love which Connie and Meilors obtained by breaking through various obstacles. It also displays the ethical rattrap of love, sexual love and marriage.

23. Further, when preparing their reports, States parties should utilize the extensive information and advisory services available from ILO during the process of data collection and disaggregation, and the development of right-to-work indicators and benchmarks

24. Technology and better physical connectivity will allow areas of lesser industrial development to also grow rapidly in shorter periods of time as production shifts to such areas on account established agglomerations having become more and more expensive- this will allow disaggregation and spread of both urbanisation and of incomes.