disappointments in Czech

disappointments zklamání Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "disappointments"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disappointments" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disappointments", or refer to the context using the word "disappointments" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. We have pains, disappointments, and worries.

2. Overcoming Backslides, Disappointments, and Self-Blame

3. She was embittered by her many disappointments.

4. Setting spiritual priorities is helpful in coping with disappointments

5. Man will suffer many disappointments in his quest for truth.

6. To his disappointments it developed in a piecemeal fashion.

7. Civilization itself, in fact, is a pathological surrogate for unconscious infantile disappointments.

8. Cultivating reasonable expectations can help us cope with frustrations and disappointments

9. Those who crave are sure to take disappointments to their grave. RVM 

10. 12 Men's best successes come after their disappointments. Henry Ward Beecher 

11. Here she and her husband had shared years of joys and disappointments.

12. There will be no more sickness, wars, inherited death, persecution, domestic strife, and disappointments.

13. Out of which maladroit delay sprang anxieties, disappointments, shocks, catastrophes, and passing-strange destinies.

14. (Proverbs 13:12) Unfulfilled expectations are bound to lead to disappointments that make the heart sick.

15. Some among us may be discouraged, lonely, afflicted with feelings of unworthiness, or overwhelmed by disappointments.

16. Disagreements and disappointments can only be handled effectively in a non - personal and dispassionate manner.

17. It's a subject that makes my blood boil and disappointments have left me a blister short of swearing.

18. There are, of course, those times when we experience disappointments, heartaches, and even tragedies in our lives.

19. He was at his peak as a cricketer, but life then brought him a series of disappointments.

20. These expectations-and a lot of the ensuing disappointments-were heightened and exacerbated by my own deep-rooted impatience.

21. Boundery is a California-based team who believes in a great customer experience, and I apologize again for the disappointments that you have experienced

22. I'm a Sixers fan, so I've had my fair share of frustrations, disappointments, and Bamboozlements (not as many as the Knicks thoh)

23. Here he is befriended by the Antiquary Jonathan Oldbuck, who has taken refuge from his own personal disappointments in the obsessive study of miscellaneous history.

24. Here he is befriended by the Antiquary Jonathan Oldbuck, who has taken refuge from his own personal disappointments in the obsessive study of miscellaneous history.

25. I wouldn't mind if every one of you came up on this stage tonight and told us how you've gotten over the big disappointments of your lives.

26. Disappointments and bad luck can lead to a feeling of Abjection, like the Abjection of a gloomy poet or the Abjection you can sense in the losers of a spelling bee.

27. Indeed , anyone who seeks to overcome disappointments should compare themselves to others who are worse off - rather than looking up to folks in more enviable positions - according to a new study from Concordia University .

28. (There’s also a case to be made that “Wellerman” is a whaling song, not a Chantey, but let’s practice some 2021 self care and confront our disappointments slowly.) Anyway, here’s a great example of sea Chantey …

29. This author uses her own personal testimony as a triumphant backdrop for overcoming life’s disappointments such as an untimely divorce, a son born with major medical conditions and challenges which God is still transforming into a major miracle TODAY, and Asundering …

30. Undone is author Michele Cushatt's quest to make peace with a complicated life.It is an honest confession of a diagnosis of cancer and the joys and disappointments of motherhood and marriage, ripe with regret over what is and, yet, still hopeful for what could be.

31. Indeed, the lasting value of this work is its detailed reconstruction of the hopes, fears, disappointments, and mental anguish of not only well-known Old Bolsheviks, such as Nikolai Bukharin, but also ‘lesser’ figures like Aleksandr Arosev, Mikhail Koltsov, and Aleksandr Voronsky (among tens of others), who are brought to life pretty much

32. The term Ashcan School was suggested by a drawing by Bellows captioned Disappointments of the Ash Can, which appeared in the Philadelphia Record in April 1915; was invoked by cartoonist Art Young in a disparaging critique that appeared in the New York Sun in April 1916; and was given curatorial currency by Holger Cahill and Alfred H