be absent in Czech


Sentence patterns related to "be absent"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "be absent" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "be absent", or refer to the context using the word "be absent" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Being allowed to be absent from work.

2. You should not be absent from class.

3. I can't afford to be absent from school.

4. *Chest pain may be absent in pulmonary embolism.

5. Our champion should be absent such contest until recovery.

6. A good student would not be absent from classes.

7. It is well defended, and you would be absent means.

8. At times he would be absent for a couple of days.

9. Or one of your parents may temporarily be absent due to overseas employment.

10. The least Bittern continues to be absent from most parts of the state

11. Two parties tensely conflict as well as tightly contact and no one can be absent.

12. • Amenorrhea may be absent, in which case most recent period abnormal in length and duration

13. In such conditions, only highly deleterious genes be absent from the set of cloned genes.

14. Total personal leave is less than 6 working days, or considered be absent from work.

15. The power of God be absent from your church because you are living in disobedience.

16. 14 So this lowly, serviceable one would be most missed if he were obliged to be absent.

17. Allow definition, to give permission to or for; permit: to Allow a student to be absent; No swimming Allowed

18. Everyone in the profession is aware that some people can be absent from teaching posts and not be missed.

19. After numerous requests he managed to be transferred to another directorate and often found excuses to be absent from work.

20. Woody Conks with brown upper surface --- Pini or Red Ring Rot 10 Stipe may be absent when growing on wood

21. The opinion that a sialic basement could be absent beneath this island conforms with the absence of acid (liparitic) lavas.

22. State laws or local district policies usually allow teachers to be absent from school for the major holidays of recognized religions.

23. 29 On examination the main physical sign is tenderness in the epigastrium or right hypochondria , but between attacks this may be absent.

24. However, the schedule is demanding, and if he accepts the job, he will be absent for a number of Christian meetings and will miss out on other activities related to true worship.

25. The serious issue here is that the necessary disciplines of a banking transaction will be absent if the borrower can determine the conditions of his loan to the detriment of the lender.

26. Catfish may have up to four pairs of barbels: nasal, maxillary (on each side of mouth), and two pairs of chin barbels, even though pairs of barbels may be absent depending on the species.

27. • Recent history of urethritis, salpingitis or hemorrhagic skin lesions (indicating gonococcal infection) may be present Physical Findings The classic signs of acute inflammation may be absent in elderly clients, chronically debilitated people or clients receiving steroid therapy.

28. 21 It should be noted that the measure at issue in the main proceedings provides that ‘breastfeeding’ leave specifically takes the form of permission to be absent during the working day or a reduction of its duration.

29. The common initial symptoms of infection – such as, sudden onset of cervicofacial pain, swelling, erythema, edema and suppuration – can be absent. Infection due to actinomyces is a well-known mimic of malignancy is clinical, radiological and pathological findings.

30. Similarly, if the service provision and associated risks were not transferred to the private party, a key function of PPPs would be absent, and the projects might not be PPPs in the sense described in paragraph 19 above.

31. It was suggested that if a member were to be absent from a meeting, the member could propose, in writing via a letter or email, that his or her vote be transferred to another member of his or her regional group or constituency.

32. Consecutively treated patients "and as": two conjunctions Consecutively - English Only forum be absent in excess of 15 days a year (Consecutively or interrupted) - English Only forum Consecutively successively - English Only forum Consecutively-reflected-- English Only forumI have failed Consecutively for two years.

33. What does Bbias stand for? Be back in a second An acronym similar to BBIAM ; utilized to tell others that you'll be absent briefly; commonly used when a person is leaving the computer to do something else; the person will most likely be gone for more than a second.

34. He wrote: “Behave in a manner worthy of the good news about the Christ, in order that, whether I come and see you or be absent, I may hear about the things which concern you, that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one soul striving side by side for the faith of the good news, and in no respect being frightened by your opponents.