be above in Czech

be above <v.> štítit se Entry edited by: MiCh

Sentence patterns related to "be above"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "be above" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "be above", or refer to the context using the word "be above" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Our actions must be above reproach.

2. Caesar's wife must Be aBove suspicion.

3. This may be above our pay grade.

4. You must be above suspicion of any impropriety.

5. Caesar's wife must [ ought to ] be above suspicion.

6. Our behavior in public must be above reproach.

7. She felt that she ought to be above suspicion .

8. And let your glory be above all the earth.

9. Why should we be above board when we're getting divorced?

10. Prescribe these things as well, so that they may be above reproach.

11. 22 It's quite different. The weatherman says it will be above zero.

12. He said, " Like Caesar's wife, the village schoolteacher has to be above suspicion. "

13. In terms of love for Jehovah, such efforts might well be above average!

14. Cases should never be piled too high and never be above the stacking line.

15. The level of radioactivity in the soil was found to be above recommended limits.

16. 28 She fancies herself to be above us and walked by without an acknowledgement.

17. What other authority can be above him or even equal to him?—2 Tim.

18. They may even be above board, but these deals done outside of the committee ...

19. He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business. 

20. The average yield in 2007 is estimated to be above average at 36 bu/ac.

21. The Government must not only be above board , it must be seen to be so .

22. One opposition member of parliament accuses the government of wanting to be above the law.

23. Using this estimate, the total of each parties' projections can be above [90 to 100]* %.

24. Before the delivery date, the futures price could be above or below the spot price.

25. I am sick and tired of trying to be above Corniness. You know who was corny?

26. The umpire in the game must be above suspicion of supporting one side over the other.

27. We believe the authority of the Holy Scripture to be above the authority of the Church.

28. It was crucial that our negotiating record be above reproach to withstand the domestic fury ahead.

29. I replied satirically: "My dear son, I have lived to be above that sort of thing."

30. Imagine if we could teach so that 98 percent of our students would be above average.

31. At the same time, the pH value of the water needs to be above 8,0 (slightly alkaline).

32. Here too in some instances the risk of the child’s having a defect may be above normal.

33. Cambered Airfoil: An asymmetric Airfoil for which the mean camber line will be above the chord line.

34. In this average weight category, the price charged by Sernam would therefore be above the market level.

35. The quality of all crops is expected to be above average with a better than normal grade distribution.

36. Anyone the family manager designates as a parent must be above the age of majority in their country.

37. But Democrats applauded, generally taking the pious view that the White House can never be above the law.

38. If the accumulated results seem to be above normal, it is recommended that a doctor review the record.

39. (b) all crew members and passengers for any period that the pressure altitude will be above 13 000 ft.

40. Even though the air temperature might be above freezing, say five degrees Celsius or 41 degrees Fahrenheit, the water would freeze.

41. He affects in a childish way to be above passion, and he is very ostentatious in what he says and does.

42. The combined energy of the absorbed photons in this process must be above the ionization potential of the atom or molecule.

43. You must be above the legal age of majority (or above the age of 18, whichever is higher) to use these services.

44. For what does it behove divine works to be in their quality, except that they be above all wonder? 8547 8547 Admirationem

45. For example, the progress for a line item might be above 100% if the ad server anticipates a period of low traffic in the future.

46. One teaspoon of cassia cinnamon powder therefore contains 5.8 to 12.1 mg of coumarin, which may be above the tolerable daily intake value for smaller individuals.

47. Final Bruiting (Maxi) Minimum Requirements: • Must be Above 18 years of age & above • JC & BGCSE • Fluent in Setswana & English • Energetic & presentable • 2 years’ Work Experience

48. "We are extremely cautious in our optimism, but we still believe it'll be above the line over the next couple of years," said John Koldowski, director of the Strategic Intelligence Center for PATA.

49. Countdowns are fixed-odds trades based on whether the settlement price of a product will be above or below the current Countdown price at the end of a range of short-term timeframes

50. Examples of Apolitical in a Sentence Although both of her parents are politicians, she's completely Apolitical. Recent Examples on the Web On the other hand, Pirandello often declared that his work was Apolitical; to be above or outside conflict was another kind of victory.