lamprey in Arabic

Lamprey الجلكى

Sentence patterns related to "lamprey"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lamprey" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lamprey", or refer to the context using the word "lamprey" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Excellent lamprey pie.

2. 28 Using reverse transcription PCR, kininogen mRNA was also detected in lamprey gut, kidney, and leukocyte, but absent in lamprey buccal gland.

3. This is a brain from a lamprey eel.

4. Is it thinking lamprey eel thoughts, sitting there in its nutrient medium?

5. Finally, Mussa-Ivaldi of Northwestern took a completely intact, independent lamprey eel brain.

6. Finally, Mussa- Ivaldi of Northwestern took a completely intact, independent lamprey eel brain.

7. A: Burbot are piscivores and they prey on lamprey, grayling, whitefish, trout, stickleback and even perch

8. In front there were two eyes and a single central nostril(, like that of a lamprey.

9. Like, more or less 20 years ago I was already working on a computer making simulations of lamprey and salamander locomotion during my PhD.

10. Cutthroat The area provides habitat for threatened coho salmon, chinook and steelhead trout as well as Cutthroat trout and lamprey, which are species of concern.

11. Follicular epithelium of the lamprey testis, unlike in other Anamnia, does not form spermatocysts; implantation of spermatids and spermia into cytoplasm of the follicular cells is not observed

12. The microscopy studies of the Aortae of the lobster, horseshoe crab and whelk revealed tissue structures which differ widely from each other as well as from the structures of the lamprey and hagfish.

13. Further, remnant Kiyi populations in lakes Huron and Ontario may have competed with, or have been preyed upon by, introduced fish species such as the Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax).

14. Anadromous fish are born in freshwater, then migrate to the ocean as juveniles where they grow into adults before migrating back into freshwater to spawn. Examples: salmon, smelt, American shad, hickory shad, striped bass, lamprey, gulf sturgeon

15. Upstream migration is most important for populations of anadromous fish and lamprey species like Salmo salar, sea lampreys Petromyzon marinus and Lampetra fluviatilis or some sturgeons as Acipenser sturio because of their need for periodical (optimally annual) long-distance migrations.

16. As the shortnose cisco did occur in relatively shallow depths (< 40m at times), it is possible that it may have interacted with introduced pelagic fishes such as the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), and rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax).

17. One of the most important and interesting Antiparallel α structures is the globin fold, which has been found in the three-dimensional structures of a large group of related proteins including myoglobin and the hemoglobins of various mammals, glycera, lamprey, insect and even legume root nodules.

18. And what's interesting is that the salamander has kept a very primitive circuit, which is very similar to the one we find in the lamprey, this primitive eel-like fish, and it looks like during evolution, new neural oscillators have been added to control the limbs, to do the leg locomotion.

19. The Anadromous River Lamprey (Lampetra ayresii) is known to occur in North America from Alaska to central California, generally in association with larger estuarine systems (such as the Fraser River in British Columbia, the Sacramento River in California, and the Columbia River in Washington-Oregon; Vladykov and Follett 1958; Weitkamp and

20. Given our current understanding of craniate phylogeny, the observation of programmed genome reorganization in both lamprey and hagfish could be considered evidence that chromatin diminution was characteristic of the common ancestor of all Craniates, or of a basal taxon with a genome biology that was otherwise very similar to the craniate ancestor.