lances in Arabic

Lances الرماح

Sentence patterns related to "lances"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lances" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lances", or refer to the context using the word "lances" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. 6 To fight with lances; joust.

2. By 1276 fire lances had transitioned to metal barrels.

3. By 1280 the Middle East had acquired fire lances.

4. In 1396 European knights took up fire lances as mounted weapons.

5. 16 Lances of remembrance pierced her heart,( and she flinched.

6. In the weapon triangle, Axes best lances but are bested by swords

7. Mixed with these were rusty old whaling lances and harpoons all broken and deformed.

8. These mace - wielding fighting machines wear plate armour and are equipped with lances for a deadly charge.

9. Accessories for the aforesaid including gas lances, removable spreaders, heater cartridges and cutting knives

10. Armenian mercenaries equipped in a western style, armed with lances and protected by mail.

11. The two settled their lances, rode at each other, and the pagan knight was slain.

12. Uscis Service Request Response Unweathered Giovanne lances her fullbacks so decadently that Judith Attitudinising very intransigently

13. Ruthless Germanic knightly order , armoured with lances and large maces, these knights love a good melee.

14. + 14 Uz·ziʹah equipped the entire army with shields, lances,+ helmets, coats of mail,+ bows, and slingstones.

15. By 1232 the Jin were also using fire lances, but with improved reusable barrels consisting of durable paper material.

16. The nations are challenged: “Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning shears into lances” and prepare for war.

17. By the 12th century, Song dynasty forces were utilizing gunpowder weapons such as fire lances, grenades, and metal bombards.

18. They are armoured in shining silver and armed with white lances with diamond-hard tips which glitter like stars.

19. Nehemiah responded by assigning the builders the task of defending the city “with their swords, their lances and their bows.”

20. So most important for Cavalry was the ability to quickly attack enemy Cavalry or scattered infantry with lances and sabres

21. The weapons used by the Arapahos included bows and arrows, stone ball clubs, jaw bone clubs, hatchet axe, spears, lances and knives

22. Formations of knights were known to use underarm-Couched military lances in full-gallop closed-ranks charges against lines of opposing infantry or cavalry

23. Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord's Couched lances deliver one of the game's strongest attacks but their use and usefulness isn't immediately obvious, especially if you're just starting your journey through Calradia.

24. Apparentée à la baliste qui, elle, projetait des lances, la Catapulte est capable de projeter de lourdes pierres ou, parfois même, des cadavres ou diverses

25. Ampoules filaments, banquettes douillettes, tabourets pour les plus pressés, free-lances connectés, baristas tatoués, grognements de la machine à café

26. A squadron of mounted lancers got within 50 yd (46 m), charged and inflicted 70–80 casualties with swords and lances for a loss of five killed.

27. To get you performing devastating attacks from horseback in no time, here's everything you need to know about Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord's Couched lances and how they …

28. The Araucanian cavalry appeared in appearance formidable, well-armed special long range lances steel-spearheads (armor piercing bodking point), conducted regularly, and showing the riders, ease and no small gallantry

29. 1786, Francis Grose, A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, page 47: Lances were ornamented with a Banderole near the point, which gave them a handsome appearance, these …

30. Of course, bravery is still valuable, and Courtiers still involve themselves in duels (using rapiers rather than jousting lances)--but for the most part, they are bureaucrats, scholars, and poets rather than warriors

31. 21 While we were active in the work, the other half of them also were holding the lances, from the ascending of the dawn until the stars came out.

32. “Half of my young men,” Nehemiah explained, “were active in the work and half of them were holding the lances, the shields and the bows and the coats of mail.”

33. 13 So I kept men posted at the lowest parts of the space behind the wall at the exposed places, and I posted them by families with their swords, their lances, and their bows.

34. The Hussaria were the last shock cavalry in Europe still fighting with lances, yet they proved with terrifying effect the superiority of aggressive charging compared to the more defensive caracole used in the rest of Europe.

35. In a typical Bullfight, the bull enters the arena and is approached by picadors—men on horses who drive lances into his back and neck muscles.This attack impairs his ability to lift his head and defend himself

36. In a nightmare far more terrifying and real than either of the others, Jaryd saw the town assailed by mounted bandits with scarred, Begrimed faces, wearing leather jerkins and brandishing huge, curved blades, lances, and clubs

37. The ideal vessel was well furnished with armor and weapons: coats of mail, pourpoints (padded doublets), Cuirasses (body armor), shields, helmets, knives, daggers, spades, axes, clubs, and lances (some with iron hooks to attack enemies who tried to board the ship).

38. THE ELDER EDDAS OF SAEMUND SIGFUSSON; AND THE YOUNGER EDDAS OF SNORRE STURLESON SAEMUND SIGFUSSON AND SNORRE STURLESON He told me a great deal about the ancient Randolphs, and the way they had fought on Caparisoned steeds with lances.

39. According to the History of Jin, these fire lances had a range of roughly three meters: To make the lance, use chi-huang paper, sixteen layers of it for the tube, and make it a bit longer than two feet.

40. And for uniting in more perfect league and amitie, of such Countreis, lances, and territories so to bee possessed and inhabited as Aforesaide with our Realmes of Englande, and Ireland, and the better incouragement of men to these enterprises: we do by these presents, graunt and declare that all such Countreis, so hereafter to be possessed and

41. The present invention relates to an apparatus for injecting hot air into an electric furnace, which can adjust the height up to which hot air is injected into the electric furnace so as to increase the contact area between the hot air and molten iron loaded into the electric furnace using a plurality of lances which can be elevated and which are connected to each other.