laboriously in Arabic

Laboriously بشكل مرهق

Sentence patterns related to "laboriously"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "laboriously" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "laboriously", or refer to the context using the word "laboriously" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. He traced his signature laboriously.

2. She is tracing laboriously now.

3. Bob speaks slowly, laboriously, didactically.

4. A beetle began to crawl laboriously up his leg.

5. An agreement was laboriously worked out.

6. The oldman traced his name laboriously.

7. He dressed himself laboriously every morning and afternoon.

8. He wrote out the list laboriously by hand.

9. He was trudging laboriously on the rugged mountain path.

10. Laboriously did he describe the genesis of the picnic.

11. Doug took out his notebook and wrote laboriously in it.

12. McGinnis pushed himself laboriously out of the chair and waddled to the window.

13. They're unsealed and the votes are poured out and laboriously counted.

14. Guards toting machine guns watch workers intently as they laboriously dig and scrape.

15. I walked laboriously, sinking deeply into the heavy crusted snow with every step.

16. Synonyms for Assiduously include actively, arduously, determinedly, diligently, hard, industriously, intently, laboriously, purposefully and resolutely

17. Life begins in a nest laboriously burrowed by the parents in a coastal sand dune.

18. Such information is often laboriously collected by literature-searching and is conventionally processed as text.

19. To advance slowly, feebly, laboriously, or with frequent stops: We Crawled along in traffic until we reached the highway

20. His father was a rickshaw puller, so every penny the family had was laboriously earned.

21. Each time any plant material was harvested, it was laboriously weighed and recorded by the biospherians.

22. But why should the descendants of Eusthenopteron have troubled to clamber about laboriously on the land?

23. Leavis's judgements were very much his own, laboriously arrived at, and presented with subtlety and rigour.

24. 17 Had the ex-scumnik's laboriously acquired veneer rubbed away, though,( at the prospect of mayhem?

25. The ancient miners laboriously chiseled the rock surface with stone tools to extract copper from visible veins.

26. The text was photographic copies of her own handwriting and the thousands of plates required were laboriously produced on hand-coated paper.

27. He has total control over the broadcasting media and the government that he laboriously cobbled together over an eight-month period.

28. He collected wildflowers and pressed and arranged them in a Bible; or he laboriously printed letters to public figures.

29. Gascoigne laboriously made his way into the penalty area, more in hope than expectation as he awaited the free-kick.

30. As we drew near and I watched 747 after 747 climbing laboriously into the clouds, I wondered what fate befell me.

31. But finally she is apparently moved by the piteous sight of the distressed supplicant and laboriously counts out 995 roubles change.

32. This is THE VERDICT OF SELF-Abasement given forth from the heart of servants who had laboriously discharged the full work of the day

33. I can assure you , most of them will remain fresh long after the time when the laboriously built towers of my beneficent deeds will crumble into oblivion . "

34. Sinners are devoured by wild beasts and by snakes, laboriously roasted, sawed into parts, tormented by thirst and hunger, boiled in oil, or ground to powder in iron or stone vessels.”

35. Since the ore was found near the surface, the ancient miners laboriously removed the rich granular deposits with picks and shovels, leaving behind hundreds of rocky turrets that did not contain any ore.

36. Armour, also spelled armor, also called body Armour, protective clothing with the ability to deflect or absorb the impact of projectiles or other weapons that may be used against its wearer.Until modern times, Armour worn by combatants in warfare was laboriously fashioned and frequently elaborately wrought, reflecting the personal importance placed by the vulnerable soldier on its protection