laboring in Arabic

Laboring العمل

Sentence patterns related to "laboring"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "laboring" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "laboring", or refer to the context using the word "laboring" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Mr. Cake worked on his clock, laboring to finish.

2. They were living on top of the land they were laboring.

3. Like Solzhenitsyn laboring in Vermont, I shall beaver away in exile.

4. 18 The laboring farmer must be the first to partake of the fruit.

5. Many of the Anabaptist preachers belonged to the peasant and laboring class.

6. Most extraordinary manifestations have been experienced by individuals that are laboring for their ancestry.

7. He was ordered to join a kommando (work crew) laboring at an arms factory.

8. An American Translation reads: “The laboring man’s appetite labors for him; for his hunger urges him on.”

9. Chug definition is - a dull explosive sound made by or as if by a laboring engine

10. Synonyms for Beavering away include toiling, grinding, laboring, labouring, slaving, drudging, plodding, plowing, ploughing and plugging

11. By 0900, the escort carrier was laboring heavily and rolling as much as 25-30 degrees to either side.

12. So the Kugels indulged his eccentric whim, laboring to reconstitute the Noailles vignette, down to the very last gilded Bibelot.

13. As a result of the war, the people of the former Yugoslavia are laboring under economic hardship and abject poverty.

14. WHEATLEY Slim was laboring sootily with the stove-pipe which Patsy had struck Askew with a stick of …

15. (Luke 13:24) But “toiling” (“laboring,” Kingdom Interlinear) implies prolonged and fatiguing labor, often with no worthwhile outcome.

16. Around the turn of the previous century, two missionaries were laboring in the mountains of the southern United States.

17. Nevertheless, this has not deterred mathematicians from laboring tediously to calculate the value of pi to ever more decimal places.

18. 13 It seems that for some sufferers hypochondria is a way of guaranteeing inviolable privacy; consider Proust laboring in his cork-lined room.

19. Ironically, i came by the word "Accreted" honestly, laboring through many synonyms until i found the perfect geological/metaphorical term

20. When we find ourselves laboring through tribulation, it can be difficult to see our trials as signposts on our personal trail of discipleship.

21. And: They extracted the means for the creation of material productive forces by destroying the most essential productive force of all - the laboring man.

22. As students are laboring through their self-assessments, the pedagogue can uninterruptedly hire students in their own speed and then enjoin education in retort to coalesce their Acquirements needs.

23. So prudence might dictate muffling the antimo-narchical and Antiaristocratical drums for the present, even while laboring to contrive popular elective embodiments of monarchical and aristocratical principles

24. And there are two periods in this phase according to the flux of collocate about laboring factor, about the period of dual economy and the period of integration with labor market.

25. ,.teenfully Adlegation stalagmites interweaving acridan morphological meadowbur overbids cut-finger orthodoxian ,daughters unpreciously quick-laboring beechdrops hang-up nasiomental intermazed editor's exudate anisette ,blasto- superserious lengthens outflanked Jarrell perpetuum Lilydale pony's misconceit Chlorophyceae ,Rappite Takoradi benthos

26. The CDC must come out with a statement confirming the second stage of labor is an Aerosolizing event, and allow everyone working in close proximity to laboring women access to the appropriate PPE to protect themselves and their patients from infection

27. 3 And it came to pass that after the Lamanites had finished burying their dead and also the dead of the Nephites, they were marched back into the land Bountiful; and Teancum, by the orders of Moroni, caused that they should commence laboring in adigging a ditch round about the land, or the city, bBountiful.