intuitively in Arabic

Intuitively بشكل حدسي

Sentence patterns related to "intuitively"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intuitively" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intuitively", or refer to the context using the word "intuitively" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Casebook is organized and behaves intuitively

2. Art Meets Science: Practice Analytically, Perform Intuitively

3. Intuitively, she knew that he was lying.

4. Avoid making intuitively obvious but unfounded assertions.

5. She intuitively understood his need to be alone.

6. Intuitively, this may feel like a cooperative approach.

7. First, they intuitively sense when a problem exists.

8. We used to understand intuitively the importance of sleep.

9. He seemed to know intuitively how to do it.

10. Trading intuitively is the most advanced stage of development.

11. I knew intuitively that something dreadful had happened to him.

12. Some physiotherapists have intuitively incorporated this response into their work.

13. Division is probably an example that you know, intuitively, is not Associative

14. The same way you intuitively bring your arms to shield your face.

15. He seemed to know intuitively that I must be missing my mother.

16. The things that act as signals are their intuitively created trip wires.

17. Good Animations intuitively call the user's attention to where it is needed

18. Criticisms of utilitarianism Intuitively speaking, utilitarianism appears to be an extremely attractive philosophy

19. And his gifts were not merely mechanical: he understood intuitively how to formulate concepts.

20. Is it possible that muscle somehow intuitively knows that it needs this blood supply?

21. Keynes was intuitively convinced that public works would lift Britain out of the depression.

22. Three broad Approaches have been proposed in answer to that question, each intuitively reasonable: 1

23. Because Bulwark arms you with the most advanced and intuitively designed FR products ever made

24. And of course we know this intuitively, that happiness is not just the absence of misery.

25. Conscience, usually informed by acculturation and instruction, is thus generally understood to give intuitively authoritative judgments

26. They normally use a small portion of the stroke intuitively combined with other moves and manoeuvres.

27. This can be put in its least intuitively reasonable light if we assume just two firms.

28. Intuitively, they understand the psychological, social, spiritual, aesthetic, and physical needs most people in the culture hold.

29. Intuitively, we should not expect widely differing results from these two measures in the assessment of portfolios.

30. So our formula agrees with what we intuitively would consider to be the answer for the correct dimension.

31. 11 Crucially, though, you can see intuitively that totipotency and differentiation seem to be at odds with each other.

32. Historically, evolutionists have recognized that Abiogenesis is a fundamental assumption inherent in evolutionary theory, and intuitively must be so

33. Few caregivers know what Analogons are, yet they use them on occasion, intuitively, for the benefit of their patients

34. A semantic net lends itself to graphic display, and its meaning tends to be intuitively, if not formally, clear.

35. Intuitively, the Classi cation rule hpartitions the input space Xinto Kdisjoint decision regions whose boundaries are called decision boundaries.

36. Perhaps even more startling, given the recent repressive climate, Zverev himself could also be seen working intuitively in public.

37. Similarly, a historian will make use of statistical techniques to give objective substance to intuitively sensed historical processes or trends.

38. Intuitively, there is thus a close relationship between the behaviour of a process and those of its finite syntactic approximations.

39. This is intuitively what we would expect and we would say that it was due to a lack of sleep.

40. Japanese people prefer to grasp things as a whole and describe them intuitively and unembellished in their perception of things.

41. Many managers reported that they intuitively understood what their superiors meant by leadership and why they regarded it so highly.

42. In other instances, however (and somewhat counter-intuitively), maximum Alienability is best achieved by upholding and enforcing an Alienability restraint

43. Intuitively, the Covariance between X and Y indicates how the values of X and Y move relative to each other

44. Automate integrates intuitively with your preferred smart devices and control systems so your smart shades will respond to your spoken instructions

45. Intuitively, if the leader has no value to propose, then a client could send an Accept! message to the Acceptors directly.

46. It stands to reason that we, existing in this world, should in the course of our lives absorb intuitively those relationships.

47. Zimmerman, An essay on human action, page 93: Now, it seems intuitively obvious that these indirect Bringings about are genuine actions […]

48. Zimmerman, An essay on human action, page 93: Now, it seems intuitively obvious that these indirect Bringings about are genuine actions

49. The author of the research said artists might have intuitively figured out Contrapposto was more attractive than a standing-straight pose.

50. Finally, by moving the laryngeal muscles between the cartilages, we can stretch and contract those folds to intuitively play our internal instruments.