invariants in Arabic

Invariants الثوابت

Sentence patterns related to "invariants"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "invariants" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "invariants", or refer to the context using the word "invariants" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. It probed links among asymptotic invariants of covering towers, algebraic invariants of residually finite groups and dynamical properties and invariants of profinite actions.

2. There were a bunch of these types of invariants.

3. The invariants that are preserved despite modifications to the state of an object.

4. Curvature and torsion are the main invariants of an affine connection.

5. The relative geometry of patches is captured via their 2D affine invariants.

6. GW invariants can also be defined using the language of algebraic geometry.

7. The main invariants of an affine connection are its torsion and its curvature.

8. To satisfy these invariants, a predecessor field is maintained for each node.

9. Barycentric coordinates are a special case of homogeneous coordinates; they are affine invariants.

10. Device and method for evaluating and optimizing signals on the basis of algebraic invariants

11. Williams developed algorithms for calculating invariants of algebraic number fields such as class numbers and regulators.

12. In 1902 he collaborated with John Hilton Grace on the book The Algebra of Invariants.

13. Gromov-Witten invariants have evolved together with gauge theory, quantum field theory, symplectic geometry and algebraic geometry.

14. The number of independent invariants ofn×n matricesA, B and their products on which the eigenvalues λ(μ) of the matrix pencilA+μB depend is determined by means of the theory of algebraic invariants and combinatorial analysis.

15. In the first (1908–1919), she made contributions to the theories of algebraic invariants and number fields.

16. ‘Todd generalised the arithmetic genus and the invariants of the Canonical system on an algebraic variety to …

17. Action-angle coordinates are also useful in perturbation theory of Hamiltonian mechanics, especially in determining adiabatic invariants.

18. 21 Then, a fair net is enforced to be live through controlling minimal siphons by P-invariants.

19. In enumerative geometry, invariants are used to count curves that have specific properties in a complex projective manifold.

20. A notable use of homotopy is the definition of homotopy groups and cohomotopy groups, important invariants in algebraic topology.

21. A set of open problems concerning such invariants in the Uqp(u(2)) quantum algebra picture is briefly discussed.

22. Greater accuracies can be achieved in the estimated shape information and/or photometric invariants by using wavelength-indexed data.

23. Analytic geometry made great progress and succeeded in replacing theorems of classical geometry with computations via invariants of transformation groups.

24. We studied their circles invariants, or invariant algebraic curves in the area on the flow fields associated with such vectors formed by circles.

25. The question of how properties of Braids or mapping classes reflect the associated manifolds arises in Dehn surgery, link invariants, and contact and symplectic geometry.

26. A countable periodic reduced abelian group is determined uniquely up to isomorphism by its Ulm invariants for all prime numbers p and countable ordinals α.

27. An explicit solution, in terms of Riemann invariants, is constructed from infinite-dimensional subalgebras of the symmetry algebra of the magnetohydrodynamics equations in the (1 + 2)-dimensional case.

28. In the A-model of topological string theory, physically interesting quantities are expressed in terms of infinitely many numbers called Gromov–Witten invariants, which are extremely difficult to compute.

29. In mathematics, the Satake isomorphism, introduced by Satake (1963), identifies the Hecke algebra of a reductive group over a local field with a ring of invariants of the Weyl group.

30. In 2010 he was awarded the Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry "for his fundamental contributions to symplectic geometry and, in particular, for his development of advanced algebraic methods for computation of symplectic invariants."

31. He has also contributed to the development of the theory of L2-invariants (such as L2-Betti numbers and L2-cohomology) of manifolds, which were originally introduced by Michael Atiyah and are defined by means of operator algebras.

32. Instead of simulating, for example, a Gaussian process, for example projections of algebraic operations - at the plane of real or complex numbers - of said signal sections are observed and proven for said astonishingly simple algebraic invariants.

33. The expression for the equivalent stress in the damage evolution equation includes the stress intensity for the amplitudes as well as joint invariants for the mean values of the stress tensor and for the vectors associated with the directions of microcracks.

34. These reciprocal equations firstly provide an alternative derivation of the inverse deformation results due to Shield [1] and secondly enable new reduced forms of the equilibrium equations to be given for those materials for which the strain-energy function depends upon only one of the principal strain invariants.

35. In 2014 he was awarded the Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics "for the new revolutionary invariants of 4-dimensional manifolds and for the study of the relation between stability in algebraic geometry and in global differential geometry, both for bundles and for Fano varieties."

36. Coming to Canada from University of Washington, USA Research involves Studying variations of families of mathematical objects known as p-adic L-functions attached to families of geometric objects - such as curves, surfaces, their pieces and their respective invariants - to advance number theory, computational algebra and arithmetic algebraic geometry.

37. On 27th February I will give an invited seminar in the TQFT study group at the University of Warsaw, in which I will discuss a construction of a 3-dimensional topological quantum field theory (3D-TQFT) in terms of modular functors, from which we obtain a theory of quantum invariants of 3-manifolds with embedded banded links.

38. Bivariant K-theories generalize K-theory and its dual, often called K-homology, at the same time.They are a powerful tool for the computation of K-theoretic invariants, for the formulation and proof of index theorems, for classification results and in many other instances.The Bivariant K-theories are paralleled by different versions of cyclic theories which have similar formal