candide in Arabic

Candide كانديد

Sentence patterns related to "candide"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "candide" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "candide", or refer to the context using the word "candide" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Candide tells the tale of its naive eponymous protagonist, taught to believe in Leibnizian optimism.

2. În lumina Crepusculară a zilei ce murea, se ridică de pe clapele candide ale pianului o armonie îndurerată

3. This means - for - ends inversion of the socio - biologists is about as grotesque as that of Prof . Pangloss ' s demonstration in Voltaire ' s inimitable satire , Candide , that the nose was formed to bear spectacles , legs were visibly designed for stockings , stones to construct castles and some other similar absurdities .

4. 5 Dr Jeannette Afounde Ministry of Public Health-Cameroon 6 Guy Martial, EKANI NDONGO Ministry of Public Health – Cameroon 7 Rwanda Candide Tran Ngoc WHO-Rwanda 8 Andrew Muhire MOH, HMIS Lead Specialist-Rwanda 9 Patrick Nshimiyimana CRVS Statistician, National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda 10 Kenya Martin Chabi Jeseph WHO MCH-Kenya

5. The Benefactor, Susan Sontag's first book and first novel, originally published in 1963, introduced a unique writer to the world.In the form of a memoir by a latter-day Candide named Hippolyte, The Benefactor leads us on a kind of psychic Grand Tour, in which Hippolyte's violently imaginative dream life becomes indistinguishable from his surprising experiences in the 'rea

6. The book opens with the words "Dedicated to victims of Auto da Fe." Leonard Bernstein composed and produced a musical adaptation of Voltaire's Candide in 1956, featuring a song called Auto-da-Fé that includes the chorus, "It's a lovely day for drinking and for watching people fry," referring to the spectacle of public executions.