canis in Arabic

Canis الكلاب المحلية والبرّية، الذئاب، الثعالب

Sentence patterns related to "canis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "canis" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "canis", or refer to the context using the word "canis" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Canis Major.

2. Canis Latrans, how lovely.

3. "Ascarids ( Toxocara canis, T

4. Canis familiaris Areg VGNC:54919 VGNC

5. Coyotes’ scientific name Canis latrans translates to barking dog

6. Wolves, dogs, and dingoes are subspecies of Canis lupus.

7. The fist was the Badgen and the second the Canis

8. Asterix saevus infantem tuum nocebit! canis omnibus latinis licet Abortionem habere! crimethink

9. Canis Curiosus on koira-aiheinen blogi, jota kirjoittaa Leena Inkilä

10. "Mens Agitat molem!" Sentence 5275307 "Mens Agitat molem." Sentence 7048128 "Canis caudam Agitat." Sentence 8918428 "Canis mea caudam Agitat." Sentence 8918429

11. Florida Sentinel Bandog - Cane Corso Bandogs / Italian Mastiffs / Canis Pugnax breeder in Florida

12. Additionally, the ICZN placed the taxon Canis lupus as a conserved name on the official list under this opinion.

13. At magnitude 1.5, Epsilon ([epsilon]) Canis Majoris, more commonly known as Adhara, is the Brightest of all 2nd-magnitude stars.

14. From French Canaille (villain, rabble), from Italian canaglia (pack of dogs, rabble), from cane (dog), from Latin canis (dog)

15. In 1935, the British zoologist Reginald Pocock attributed the subspecies name Canis lupus orion to a specimen from Cape York, northwest Greenland.

16. So, what was thought to be a Coydog is actually the result of hybridization between the more closely related western coyote (Canis latrans) and …

17. 23 Objective The degree of the hairs damaged by Microsporum canis was observed in examination of hair perforation in vitro and by scanning electron microscope (SEM).

18. Gray wolves (Canis lupus) usually live in packs which consist of the adult parents and their offspring of perhaps the last 2 or 3 years.

19. That group is within a much bigger Asterism, the Winter Hexagon – six first-magnitude stars in six constellations: Capella ( Auriga ), Pollux ( Gemini ), Procyon ( Canis Minor

20. The most frequently diagnosed form of scabies in domestic animals is sarcoptic mange, caused by the subspecies Sarcoptes scabiei canis, most commonly in dogs and cats.

21. In Australia, suspected predators of young birds include the dingo (Canis dingo) and fox (Vulpes vulpes) while brahminy kites (Haliastur indus) have been known to take eggs.

22. A confrontation was photographed and videotaped at close range between a wild alpha male wolf (Canis lupus) of known history and an alien adult on Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, Canada.

23. Four gray wolves (Canis lupus) have been Airdropped into Michigan for a very important assignment.The quartet, originally from Canada, has been helicoptered into Isle Royale national park to …

24. Sitä syödessäni aloin vakavasti miettiä, joudunko uutisoimaan täällä, etten tiennyt de Canardin tarkoittavan ”koiralle”, vaikka Canis on koirien sukunimi

25. Sitä syödessäni aloin vakavasti miettiä, joudunko uutisoimaan täällä, etten tiennyt de Canardin tarkoittavan ”koiralle”, vaikka Canis on koirien sukunimi

26. Pathogenic species include: Alaria alata; Alaria canis; These flukes are small (0.5 - 1.5 mm) and the anterior part of the body is flat, and the posterior part is conical.

27. Some Ascarids (Toxocara cati in cats, Toxocara canis in dogs, and Toxocara vitulorum in cattle) are passed to the offspring in the dam’s colostrum or milk in the perinatal period

28. Density, food habits, and movements of 57 radio-collared gray wolves (Canis lupus) were compared among three regions of varying moose (Alces alces) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) spatial and temporal abundance.

29. Es wurde im 17.Jahrhundert aus dem Französischen (Canaille) ins Deutsche übernommen.Dort stammt es vom italienischen canaglia (Hundemeute) ab, was wiederum auf lateinisch canis (Hund) zurückgeht.

30. The Roman myth refers to Canis Major as Custos Europae, the dog guarding Europa but failing to prevent her abduction by Jupiter in the form of a bull, and as Janitor Lethaeus, "the watchdog".

31. The Alaskan tundra wolf (Canis lupus tundrarum), also known as the barren-ground wolf, is a subspecies of gray wolf native to the barren grounds of the Arctic coastal tundra region from near Point Barrow eastward toward Hudson Bay.

32. Mammalian carnivores are sometimes also hunted ranging from smaller types such as banded mongoose (Mungos mungo), cusimanses, African palm civet (Nandinia binotata) or genets to larger varieties such as black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) or African civet (Civettictis civetta).

33. The only stars in the northern celestial hemisphere brighter than Capella are Arcturus in Boötes constellation and Vega in Lyra.The only other star visible from northern latitudes that is brighter than Capella is Sirius in the southern constellation Canis Major.

34. Although Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis (formerly known as Cryptosporidium parvum anthroponotic genotype or genotype 1) are the most prevalent species causing disease in humans, infections by Cryptosporidium felis, Cryptosporidium meleagridis, Cryptosporidium canis, and Cryptosporidium muris have also been reported.

35. Alaria alata, A canis, and other Alaria spp are small (2–6 mm) flukes usually found in the small intestine of dogs, cats, foxes, mink, and wild carnivores in the western hemisphere, as well as in Europe, Australia, and Japan

36. Coyotes (Canis latrans) are highly adaptive members of the canine family and have demonstrated an ability to survive in the most urbanized environments in cities across North America.The presence of Coyotes on urban and suburban landscapes is neither surprising nor necessarily cause for concern.

37. Canine (n.) late 14c., "a pointed tooth," from Latin caninus "of the dog," genitive of canis "dog" (source of Italian cane, French chien), from PIE root *kwon- "dog." The meaning "a dog" is first recorded 1869.

38. Synonyms for Acarus or Sarcoptes scabiei are: Acarus humanus-subcutaneus Linné), Acarus exulcerans (Linné), Acarus scabiei (de Geer), Sarcoptes hominis (Raspail), Sarcoptes galei (Owen), Acarus brachypus (Olfers), Acarus psoricus (Pallas), Cheyletus scabiei (Cloquet), Sarcoptes suis (Gerlach), Sarcoptes canis (Gerlach), Sarcoptes scabiei-crustosae (Fürstenberg), Sarcoptes …

39. Commutable (adj.) colour code zarazit double tooth filmstrip (n.), (kurzer -:) filmslip (n.) legislation Canis Major makapal to estrange schwimmen bite off more than one can chew kuhinja (ж.) valjati conversation traktować frack comadre minimum cell rate filete a la parrilla male die quitte ou double kaiinmeibo pantomima collard ostvariv (adj

40. Predators of prairie dogs include badgers (Taxidea taxus), black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes;), bobcats (Lynx rufus), coyotes (Canis latrans;), long-tailed weasels (Mustela frenata), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), bull snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus), prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis), Cooper’s hawks (Accipiter cooperii), ferruginous hawks (Buteo regalis), golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), northern harriers (Circus cyaneus), peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus), prairie falcons (Falco mexicanus), redtailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), and Swainson’s hawks (Buteo swainsoni; Sperry 1934, Olendorf 1976, Hoogland 1981, Hoogland 1982b, Powell 1982, Halpin 1983, Campbell et al. 1987, Hoogland 1995).