preisend in Vietnamese

- {eulogistic} để tán dương, để khen ngợi, để ca tụng
- {laudatory} tán dương, ca ngợi, khen, hay tán dương, hay khe

Sentence patterns related to "preisend"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "preisend" from the German - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "preisend", or refer to the context using the word "preisend" in the German - Vietnamese.

1. Er wird deshalb ehrfurchtsvoll im Gebet des Herrn; preisend und lobend in der ruhigen Folge der Ave-Maria; betrachtend in der aufmerksamen Besinnung auf die Geheimnisse; flehend im Bittgebet; anbetend in der Doxologie.